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Hair Cutting Stories Forums Site News & Discussion Number of New Stories Displayed Reply To: Number of New Stories Displayed


I would just like to add two final comments to this thread before I personally give it a rest, and leave it in the hands of the site administrator.

Two different subjects are being discussed here … quality (or lack thereof) of submitted stories, and helping less experienced writers who ASK for assistance improving their writing skills.

Ginger was kind enough to tackle the ‘if someone asks for assistance’ topic, and I would like to add my name to her list of volunteers to help if needed.

With regards to implementing some form of ‘quality control’ and Ginger’s comments about who sets the standards, and exactly what would the standards be … and how would it possible to enforce those standards, etc, etc. I would offer that it is not up to us to even discuss, let alone decide this matter. It is solely up to the site administrator to set standards for stories that are submitted to HSN. IF … all stories had to be read/screened before appearing on HSN, then HSN would have total control of what gets published, and what is rejected. It is his/her business. Every story that appears on this site ultimately reflects on the look and feel of the site. The owner of this site can choose to implement his/hers standards of overall quality before a story gets published, or not. HSN, like any business, has the right to choose who they do business with, or not. And, they certainly don’t have to explain their reasoning to us as to what stories meet their criteria for acceptance. It is the owner/creator’s site. It is simply all up to HSN what content is displayed on their site.
