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Hair Cutting Stories Forums Site News & Discussion Story Composition, Simple or Complex Reply To: Story Composition, Simple or Complex


I’ve also found shorter stories are better received. I think it’s just a matter of taste — kind of the difference between whether someone wants a “pizza delivery guy” type porn or kind-of-a-real-movie erotica.

Unfortunately for the pizza people, part of what interest me in this fetish is the potential loss of something meaningful, and you need a bit of build up to understand why a woman might be hesitant to part with her hair, so I rarely cut to the chase, so to speak. I just judge a story’s success by the reaction of what I would consider my target audience, and I don’t worry about their overall popularity.

That said, I do try to learn from the stories that are more successful, but only to incorporate the lessons into the new stories in a way that works, rather than trying to repeat the same success over and over.