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Hair Cutting Stories Forums Site News & Discussion Ratings/Likes Reply To: Ratings/Likes


Thank you for the reply Klaatu, I really appreciate it. Yes, my stories were my personal accounts of various cuts and styles I’d gotten over the years. A lot of sweat and tears, and getting over my own fears and insecurities were involved in the making (and ultimate sharing) of those.

I didn’t let the indifference bother me so much at first, however, with the rise in cookie-cutter gibberish AI stories, and writers publishing a barely legible paragraph or two and calling it a “story”… and (comparably) raking in the likes and comments, it became clear that my content just wasn’t wanted here.

This was especially rough for me, as the other couple of places where I shared my work… I wasn’t met so much by apathy, but some very mean comments. This was kind of the last place I felt somewhat welcome and not so alone.

Thank you again for your reply, and remembering me!