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Hair Cutting Stories Forums Site News & Discussion Story number limits Reply To: Story number limits

Ginger Herten

Sorry that I pop this up, then just ignored it for a couple of weeks. The last few weeks have been… Well, they’ve been.


I definitely wasn’t thinking 1, because as Marquis.d.ayre says, if Stacy came back and only had a day now and then to post stuff and wanted to post a few stories she’d been hanging onto, it would be good for her to be able to. I don’t remember Jamfarts…

I was thinking 3 was a pretty reasonable limit.

Quality is a lot harder to enforce, since it’s a matter of opinion.

Also I have found that my tolerance for quality varies by how well a story aligns to my taste. I will read a fairly poorly written story if it happens to be really similar to the stuff I fantasize about in a genre I enjoy. I will also read a really well crafted story that isn’t my exact taste, like there are some really good authors here I will read even though they frequently do full shaves, which isn’t my thing, just because the stories are good. But a lot of it falls on a spectrum, and I suspect my opinion about story quality is probably skewed by my taste.

I suppose there could be a thing where new authors can only post 1 story per day, but established authors who have crossed some threshold can post more. But I hate to make things more complicated.