the temple

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Sam was an average sixteen year old girl who lived in Seattle. She loved hanging out with her friends and talking about boys. Both her parents had immigrated from India, but they tried their best to acclimate to the American culture.

At the end of Sam’s sophomore year, she was surprised with a trip to India. She was excited about exploring a new country and visiting family and friends.

Two weeks into the trip, Sam’s parents announced that they were taking her to a temple with rich history. She thought nothing of it and just assumed that it was another touristy activity they were participating in.

When they reached the temple, Sam’s parents instructed her to kneel down. Before she knew it, a bucket of water from the river was poured on her head. She felt a brushing sensation and assumed it was the barber with the hairbrush.

Little did she know that the barber had taken a straight razor and was shaving her head bald. All of a sudden, Sam felt a cool breeze on her head and her hair started cascading down her body. She was horrified, and reached up to touch her head. All she felt was smooth skin.

The barber finished his job, and Sam tried to make the best of the rest of her trip. When she returned home, her parents took her to the bathroom every morning and used shaving cream to shave her head and her eyebrows. Apparently, this was an attempt to ensure that Sam focused on her studies instead of her friends and boys.

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