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Buy Me A Coffee

10000 Euros Makeover

By Rahul

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London | 13 years ago

I met Sushma for the first time at my friends place. She shared a home with my girl friend and two other girls. Back then I still had the hair fetish but wasn’t brave to express it to other women, especially not face to face.

Sushma would have been 23-24 years old, dusky South Indian girl with slightly dark complexion about 5’6, squarish face and was on the fattier side of most girls I had seen then. But what stood out really was her hair. It was black, silky straight and long. She kept it loose and open 6 out of 7 days a week and would just hold bits of it with a clip at the back. Her hair had even thickness till about 3-4 inches past where her bra straps would be and from there on losing touch of volume before being levelled off blunt at the top of her big bums.

I was excited to watch her long hair especially when dry as it covered her complete plump back when they were loose. She would mostly wear denim and tees and looked kinky given her size.

I complimented her hair a few occasions, and used to admire but didn’t really thing much more than that.

I used to meet Sushma and my girl friend almost daily as we worked together and admiring her hair was slowly becoming a habit.

Edinburgh | 12 years ago

Months later on a cold winter weekend Sushma, my girl friend and I chose to go on an unplanned holiday to Scotland. We rented a Car and off we went on a 4 day trip. It was a very enjoyable tour, especially for me as I was travelling alone with 2 girls. Sushma took the back seat as My girl friend would always grab the passenger seat in front of the Car.

Day 2 of our holiday we got up and were getting ready to leave. I and my girl friend woke up early and were ready as we waited for Sushma to come from bath. A short while later she made an appearance wearing denim, a tee and her wet hair wrapped in a towel. I had admired her hair a number of days before but never wet and never from this close so was eager to see how she handled it.

Sushma sat in front of the dressing table and combed her wet hair. Her wet hair combed over the yellow tee shirt gave me instant hard on as she asked my girl friend to help comb her hair. I was hard watching my girl friend comb the long wet hair and I was praying if I would get a chance. My girl friend’s hair was short, a shoulder length blunt cut only cut a week ago in a salon.

I couldn’t bear it anymore as I felt i was about to get wet. I headed to the Car to take my mind off the scene.

Car was covered in early January frost as I turned on defrost in full and waited in the car for the windscreen to get warmed up and my body to lose some warmth.

Few minutes later both the girls made an entry. My girl friend took the front seat as usual and Sushma sat at the back. I turned off the defrost and turned on heating in full blast to help us save from shivering chillness. As hot air was getting blasted off the cars air vents, Sushma leaned forward between the two front seats and brought all her wet hair in front of her boobs and finger combed them with the hope that the hot blast of air would help dry her hair.

Now a good chunk of her wet hair was right over my left shoulder and  I couldn’t resist touching it. Bit of her thighs and lots of her hair was now caressing me up so close and as her lustrous black wet hair kissed my cheeks, my little champion who was settling in started getting unsettled again in excitement. The more I was going away, I felt this was following me.

Sushma was engaged at this time so she spent a good chunk of time talking to her fiancé who was in India over phone. As we carried on with our holiday, my concentration was divided between driving, my girl friend and now more importantly Sushma’s hair. I started to think how lucky her husband would be to get draped and play with all that hair. I was desperate to make a pitch about touching and combing her hair but never got the courage. This became more complicated by my girl friend being around me as surely she wouldn’t want me to think about it even if a situation presented itself.

The next few months, more hair shows would follow. I also got to witness the occasional oiling session followed by a super dry and conditioned loose hair show the following day after she would wash her hair.

London | 10 years ago

My girl friend was back in India and the visits were limited to just Sushma & I. We continued to meet as before, travel to and from work daily, eat out, watch films, cook together etc. days and weeks passed.

Sushma & I were walking in the town centre one Saturday evening.

“Hey, do you know which salon Sowmya went to for her haircut”

“Ohh, that was Pretty Scissors in the Mall. Why do you ask ?”

“I wanted to enquire about facial and hair cutting. “

Hair Cutting ?”

My heart raced fasted hearing the word “cutting”, the typical way some Indian women even today describe a hair cut.

“Yeah, just a little”, she responded.

My excitement meter was back up hearing those words.

We can go there now if you want and check it out, I said a bit keenly.

“Okay” she said smiling as we walked up to salon.

We entered the salon which was almost fully occupied. It was unisex and could see a good mixture of men and women. The lady at reception welcomed us and asked what are we looking for.

I had a slight edge in the salon as I have been to the salons here often but it was Sushma’s first visit.

“Wanted to ask about haircuts, price appointments and all. “

“Sorry we are fully booked. Gents haircut yeah ?”, the lady at reception asked.

“No, it is for my friend here”. I pointed towards Sushma.

“Ohh, I see. Let me see if Adam is here to talk to you. But we are still full. Next available appointment is in 2 weeks.”

In a few minutes Adam appeared.

“Hello dear. What can I do for you.” Adam asked.

“I wanted a haircut. how much would it cost ?”, Sushma took over.

“Hmm., let’s see,” Adam called her to an empty chair, made her stand in front of the mirror and removed her hair clutch. He started stroking her long hair over her back. It easily reached the top of her bums.

“It depends what sort of cut you need. what do you have in mind ?”

i don’t want big cut, just a little. may be till here”, Sushma showed her hands at her upper waist.

That would still be a good chunk off given what I had been witnessing over the last few years.

“It would cost thirty five pounds, he said and Sushma’s jaw dropped in surprise.”

“Okay, i will have a think and come back to you”she said.

We then started walking back home as i continued the conversation about her hair. i told her that she should try it somewhat more shorter than what she showed.

She asked “really? Do you think short hair will look nice on me?”

Absolutely. You must try it once at least. All these days I have known you, you had kept it same. She was starting to think about new look. we reached home and it was just the two of us. her other room mates weren’t there. We continued the hair chat.

“What’s the shortest you have ever had your hair ?”

“In school i used to have a bob”, she said blushing.

“But now Avi (husband) likes my hair long.”

All her hair was still loose, as she was brushing it right before me standing. I told her that she could keep the length but should try layers some time. May be even Bangs.

“Bangs, what is that ? “

“Let me show you” and I quickly googled a photo and showed her.

“Wow like a baby cut”, she responded.

“Shall I show you how this will look on your face?” I asked.

She looked somewhat puzzled by the question.

I went before her and picked a comb from the table. I inches closer to her. Touched her jaw and raised it ever so slightly towards me.

She didn’t object this far. And I continued.

I brushed out a section in front and folded it over her eyes and showed her how she would look in the mirror.

She said “Wow. all this hair cut this short ?”

“Yeah, pretty much. But it will make you look sexy”: I said.

We then heard the door opening and stepped away from each other instinctively. It was her room mate returning home.

Couple of weeks passed and Sushma also left to India.

London | 2 years ago

10 years had passed. Life was on fast track. Marriage, kids, parenthood, Job and lots going through. The occasional browsing opportunity took me to social media and one such day, Sushma’s name came up as a suggestion and i wasted no time to send a friend request. I just had to wait until that night and saw that my request was accepted.

Moments later at about 11pm, when the green online icon was visible, we started engaging again in a new way we hadn’t done before. Using a smartphone.

“Hi Sushma. How are you long time”

“Hello, yes it must be what 10 years”.

This was then followed by a lot of chat about the families. Both of us had families. Spouse and 2 kids each. We chatted for some time and then she sent me a family pic.

She looked similar but there were some notable differences. Her face and body looked more mature. She was wearing a saree in the photo.

“I had never seen you in a saree before”

“Yah. I like it at times. Especially for functions or special occasions”

I couldn’t avoid bringing up the hair chat. In most of her pics she had this style of leaving half of her hair behind her back and half of it over her shoulder.

Her hair was still long.

“I see that you have still kept your hair long”

“Yeah.. never had time to think about it :)”

“Never went for bangs?”

“Bangs… ohh my god. Yes. You still remember that. I did think about it once, but didn’t go for it”

Then I shared my family pic. My wife Shikha in a yellow saree, sporting a long bob to her collar bone and longish bangs that covered her eyes swept slightly to the sides.

“Your family is beautiful and Shikha is gorgrous” Sushma said,

Some more chatting and she complimented my wife’s lovely hair which had some highlights and neat sharp edges.

“Do you like her haircut?”

“Yes she looks very pretty. Lovely hair”

“Shall I tell you a secret”


“ I gave her this haircut”, I felt compelled to break the truth to her. Wanting to show her that I am still crazy about hair and 100% crazy about her hair.

“Really? Omg. I can’t believe it”

“Did she allow you to do it ? “

“Yes although she prefers a stylist to do hers more than me” I said.

“She is lucky to have you”

“Thanks. May be next time we meet, even if you want just a tiny trim, I can do it for you if you would be okay with it”

There I have now planted the seed in her mind, more directly this time,

“Sure, done she responded”

“Hey, I have a favour to ask”

“Yeah tell me”

“We are buying a house and are slightly short of deposit. The house prices are good now. Is there anyway you can help me with a small sum which we will return in 1 year”

“Yes totally Sushma. How much you are after”.

“About 10,000 euros”

“Sure, if I won’t help you who will I help. How about a unique loan proposition. You get a loan from me, your bank. And the interest rate to pay is your haircut”

She posted the thinking emoji.. and 10 second later came Thumbs up.

I responded with the hearty eyes emoji.

“When can we meet and how ?” She asked hesitantly.

“I have an office meeting in Barcelona. So I am going to be there on the 10th and 11th next month. We can meet there if you like”.

A non existent office trip was in the making in my head. The plan was getting set into motion.

“Hmmm, okay. But where how. Feeling a bit nervous”.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you the plan as we get close. I’ll bring the money over and give it to you when we meet”.

Some more messages and then we waved good night to both. I was hard turned on, definitely much more than how it was 19 years ago when I touched and felt her hair.

I made arrangements for this pseudo office trip. Booked an airbnb cottage in Barcelona in the outskirts of the city.

London | 1 week ago


“Hi Sushma”

“Hi Jay”

“My flight arrives at 20:00 on the 9th. All set to meet my lovely old friend on the 10th.”

“You ready?”

“Think so. Still nervous. Haven’t yet figured out how. And what I’ll tell Avi. Okay to tell him about our meeting,  but the cutting, I don’t know”

“Don’t worry. Just close your eyes and think about two things. 1. You are meeting an old friend. And 2. You are visiting the salon”. It is just a coincidence that both might end up happening together :)”

“That’s a good suggestion. When where but?”

“My day might be light on the 10th. So how about I pick you up outside your office at 10”


“Excellent. See you there”

London | 1 day ago

All my things were packed including work laptop. Wife helped pack much of it for me.

But not everything was there. I had to take what were important tools for my planned work.

An hour before the taxi arrived, I entered the bathroom and was silently packing my tools. In a bag I was placing:

Empty Water sprayer



Razor Comb

Hand razor and blades

Hair clips

Clippers and accessories

A small clippers


I placed this little bag in my suitcase which was now secure.

I sat in the taxi waved good bye to wife and kids, and headed to the airport. Ok the way to the airport:

“Hi Sushma”

“HI Jay, you left?”

“Yes. On my way to airport. See you tomorrow. Remember don’t worry. I have your money as well.”

“Thanks a lot Jay”

“What did you tell Avi”

“I told him I am working part time tomorrow and meeting you and might also get some beauty bits done”

“Good girl”

“What about Shikha. What did you tell her”

“I told her I am going for office work and meeting a friend”

“Ok. Have a safe flight”


Barcelona | 1 day ago

I arrived, got a Car, and headed off to the cottage. My heart rate had indeed gone up slightly planning, replanning how the day tomorrow might go. On the way to the cottage, i stopped at a shopping mall and went to a store that sells women’s dresses and spent an hour there making some purchases.

It was about 09:00 pm, i checked into the cottage and settled in.  The cottage was cozy, had marble effect laminate flooring. large bed, and in a corner was a tall mirror stuck to the wall, a rotating mesh chair and table before it. In a separate space was a living room with super comfortable couch and fireplace.

I opened up my bag and got the tools out and laid them out before the mirror. I filled the water sprayer and placed a towel, some dresses i had bought over the bed.

I had dinner and as time was nearing midnight, I could not do anything more than hope that the next day goes well. I felt like messaging Sushma one last time before the face to face meeting.

“Hi Sushma, slept?”

I had an agonising wait of 40 minutes and it passed midnight before my phone gave out a ping”.

“Hi Jay, no, sorry my kid woke up and i had to put him to sleep again”

“How do you feel?” i asked

“Scared :(“, she replied

“Just scared?”

“hmmmm,, yes”

“Not excited?”

“very little”, Sushma said

“what would you be wearing?” i asked

“you will find out tomorrow” she said smiling.

Barcelona | Today

It was peak of summer, i was on my 3/4th and a tee and i drove the Car to her office just as i promised. i waited and finally had the call. I described the car colour and she spotted and got in. She was wearing a long blue skirt to her feet. and at the top she wore a black shirt with buttons. She had a summer hat and wore sunglasses. Her hair was all in a large claw-clip. We both were delighted to see each other and I started the drive towards the cottage.

We spoke a lot before our marriages, we spoke a lot on chat preceding this day. But something about today was unique. She was shy, she was very reserved.

“So glad to see you Sushma”, I started

“Me too. It had been a very long time. Avi also said thanks for the money, we will return it by..”

“Hey, i trust you, don’t you worry”

“Will we be back in the city by 6?”

“Definitely. leave that to me”, i had to reassure her.

Inside, I was dying to see her hair which I was disappointed in a clip. I had last seen a photo of hers some 6-12 months old, where her hair was to the top of her bums. I wanted her to feel comfortable, so i started a chat.

“So when is the last time you had a haircut”

“I just trimmed it at home myself.”

“Ohh, what about salon?” I asked

“At least 2 years since i last went. I think at that time i had an office celebration for which i had visited a parlour”

“Like a ladies parlour?”

“Yes”, she said

“What all did you have done that day”

“Hair cutting, facial and some waxing”. Saw her blush as she said waxing.

i kept this chat going for sometime and we reached the cottage at around 11.

Once we were in, i closed the door, and we sat down on the couch.

“Do you drink? I don’t think you did last time we met in UK”.

“Occasionally” she replied.

I was prepared andpoured in some Vodka and orange juice. less for me, but more than a single shot volume for her.

i opened the money i brought and placed the package on the table. That’s yours. She smiled and said “Thank you so much Jay”.

“Now where is my gift”, i asked.

“I am here naa”, she sighed, gently smiling. We were sitting on the edges of the 3 seat couch slightly turned towards each other.

“So,, how long are you going to keep me in suspense. Can I start”

“She didn’t reply, but bowed down in shyness.”. I had once before touched her chin when i combed out a bangs section. Here I am going to repeat the same touch again. I inched closer. Noticed that the top button of her shirt was open. She was busty now, mum of two. those breasts must have worked overtime. I was next to her in the couch. my left knee touching her right. i gently touched her chin and with my other hand, i removed the clip. as her hair unrolled and unravelled.

I finger combed her hair. it was side parted.

“So what are you going to do?”

to be continued…

2 responses to “10000 Euros Makeover”

  1. Great story indeed! When is the next part coming and what about the other stories such as bang bang bang and a Bob one? I wanted to read them. Can you please provide me link for the Bob one as I guess it was taken down

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