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Beth took control

By That Hair

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At 10, Beth Posh was a beautiful child with straight knee length brown hair. She was popular and desired by the rich boys in prestigious school. Beth is also smart and athletic among the girls. She was one those girls with brains and beauty where the boys flooded her with gifts. But that doesn’t impress her as much as her classmate Pete.

Pete Lavish who sat behind Beth in class was pure born hair fetish. He was short, fat with a belly popping out from his shirt, and has a introvert weird behavior. The only good part of him that he is rich, his family is one of the top 3 wealthiest people in world.

Although Pete knew he wasn’t good looking and bad at talking to girls, somehow he managed to have small talks with Beth. Everyday Pete complement on her long hair and both of them would start talking about her hair. He loves the smell of Beth shampoo and the view of her thick hair covering the chair. Every movement of her hair turned on Pete’s sexual desire. But he wonder at times why a beautiful girl like Beth would talk to him?

Beside Beth good looks and intelligent, she had another personality in her. She was trained by her single-parent mother Karen Posh that money controls the world. A few years ago when Karen found the kindergarten which one of richest family son enroll in, she let Beth joined in that same school. Beth mom did an intensive observation on Pete and found out he’s attracted to girls with long hair. So she took care of Beth hair and grew it long and told her to be friends with Pete.

One day, Beth Kindergarten school was chasing after Karen for unpaid fee and threaten to exposed her. In which could damaged Beth reputation and might lose her scholarship. So Karen order her daughter to made a proposal to Pete that he would not refused.

Beth: Hey… I was thinking of cutting my hair short like a bob when we were in kindergarten.

Pete (in panic mode): I see… why?

Beth: I think its too long and thick. Plus long hair is so outdated.

Pete (trying to control his emotion, not to exposed his hair fetish): ok… I think Beth will look good in short hair.

When the conversation ended, Beth remembered her mom told her to wait for the opportunity. Karen knew Pete’s hair fetish would urged him to give in. Pete was watching Beth playing with her long hair behind him, brushing and flipping it. He can’t stop thinking of Beth getting a haircut, Pete was possessed in Beth’s long shiny hair and he wants to owe it badly.

Pete: Hey Beth….

Beth: Yes?

Pete: Since you’re cutting it anyways, could you give your hair to me?

Beth: Well… I don’t know, my mom said that someone would buy it from me because my long hair is special.

Pete (nervously asking): How about I buy it from you?

Beth (knew what to do): My mother wanted to sell it for $50,000 and …. (Pete talk over her)

Pete: I’ll take it! I would pay $60,000! I will asked my butler to send the money to your mom.

Beth and Pete seal the agreement with a pinky promise finger. When Beth got home and told her mom that she got the deal, so Karen prepared her daughter for a nice haircut. She washed her long hair and dry it with care. She tied Beth thick hair into 7 section up to her chin and slowly cutting it. While Beth cried losing her 2 feet beautiful long hair but she knew it was worth it. When the Butler come to Beth’s home, he showed her the cash and Karen handed the Butler Beth’s 2 feet ponytail. Karen was able to give her daughter a cute chin length bob cut, and Beth loves how it feels and look.

As Pete got Beth long hair, he quickly run to his room and lock himself up. Pete started slowly stroking Beth’s thick ponytail with his fingers. He was absorb in his hair fetish world. It was like a dream come true when he got Beth’s ponytail. The sweet fragrant from the her hair finally in his hand and he’s now able to smell it up close to the max and entered his fantasy dream.

Eight years laterĀ 

Final year of high school, Beth become a 5’10 goddess beauty with straight long flowing thick silky shiny brown hair that drop above her ankles. A top student in her class, and everyone including the male teachers desired to have her.

Pete still a 5’6 short and fat guy and still sitting behind Beth. As he become extremely obsessives with Beth ever since he got her ponytail 8 years ago. Even though Beth’s ponytail starting to lose its silkiness and quality, Pete still used it for hairjob while looking at Beth pictures. Pete obsessiveness also come from watching Beth hair grew from a bob to ankle length, and watching herself play with it. The sweet fragrance from the shampoo is stronger because of its thickness and length of her hair. He could only watch behind and dream about touching her hair.

Soon school graduation came. Beth made a big speech and congrats everyone in their success. On the other hand, Pete was staring at Beth and her shiny long hair. Admiring the beauty of Beth from afar, he watched every single movement of her and imagining himself fucking her long hair in his fantasy.


Pete (woke up from his fantasy): ….yes… (softly spoke)

Beth: I’m inviting you to my graduation party tonight at my place. You WILL come right?

Pete (couldn’t believe what she asking him, without thinking he said excitingly): SURE! I’ll come and on time!

Beth smile at Pete and thank him. As she turned around to leave, luck was on Pete’s side. When the wind blew and beautiful strands of hair touched his face, he was aroused by the strong sweet smell from her hair, and he accidently cum on his pants. He happily wave at Beth and went home quickly.

Karen Posh knew that Pete had fallen in love with her daughter and willing to bow on Beth feet. As Beth and Karen devised a plan to get Pete’s extreme wealth, Beth has the an idea that definitely will work and the Lavish family will accept her too.

(Doorbell rung)Pete: gooood…. evening… Ms Posh…. (nervously said, wearing his expensive suit and gifts in his hands)

Karen: Oh… Pete Lavish! Come in, how are you! (she said kindly). Here, let me carry this for you.

When Pete entered the house, he saw nobody around. He thought he was late for the party. But Karen told him that Beth actually invited only him. This made Pete feel special and happy. Karen went to prepared food, while Pete sat and wait in the living room and fantasized about Beth’s long hair remembering the smell of her hair this morning.

Beth: HEY! You’re here. The food is ready.

Pete(he jumped): Ahhhh…! oh… hi, Beth. (He saw Beth hair up in a big bun and was little disappointed, hoping to feel a bit of strands of hair and smell its fragrance) Ok… where is it?

When the three of them having dinner, Beth and Karen were doing all the talking. Even after the food, its hard to bring Pete to talked. But Beth and Karen knew what topic that interest him, and was saving it for the best.

Beth: so … Mom, Pete actually loves my long hair. He always compliment my hair. Btw, Pete did you still have my ponytail that I sold to you 8 years ago?

Pete (nervously excited): Yes… its still with me.

Karen: Wow… you still have it? Tell me now, what do you like about my daughter hair?

Pete (his dick starting to show up): well… Its long, shiny, and its smells good too. (warming up to this conversation)

Karen: Do you know how hard to take care of Beth hair? Its so thick, and brushing, washing, and drying is a workout.

Beth: MOM !! you don’t have to say that to Pete

Beth and Karen pretended to be arguing about Beth’s long hair. But Pete was enjoying the conversation.

Karen: PETE ! look at this! (she went over to Beth took out her bun, and show the ankle length hair to Pete) This is 8 years of my hard work! (she grabbed a handful of locks and asking Pete to touch it) Tell me is it very thick?

Pete (hands were shaking, as he slowly feel the softness of Beth hair, and he could smell the strong sweet shampoo from it): yeah… it thick and beautiful too.

Beth: Stop it Mom, ok… I’m grateful for you taking care of my hair.

When Beth and Karen stop their act, they could see that Pete was getting comfortable. So, Karen let them alone, and that’s where their plan begins.

Beth and Pete went to the basement to enjoy same time alone. Beth had a little game. She told Pete that he will be blind folded and tied up for the game. While Beth tied him up, Pete felt excited because he could feel Beth hair touching him while not knowing the game.

When Beth took off the blind off Pete, he was hanging up tied to his hand and feet without his pants. Pete was confused and in disbelieved that his dick got exposed. As Beth and Karen discussed softly secretive behind Pete, they decided to continue with their plans.

Karen: Well… I got the cooling box you asked for. Are you sure wanna do this? Just look at his penis, its so small.

Beth: Mom …It doesn’t matter if its big or small, as long he has reproductive system.

Karen: Ok… so what’s next?

Pete (scared and nervous): Hmmm… excuse me? What’s going on?

Beth walked over to Pete and told him he was about to get a treat.

Beth: Pete… you love this hair of mine right? (She show him her ankle length hair). I know you have been watching me from behind all these years. You paid to principal to be in the same class as me.

Pete: yess… you see … I have … (before he could explained Beth stop him)

Beth: I know you about your hair fetish. Especially my hair right? You’re obsessed with my long hair. You love the length, softness, and smell from it right?

Karen (whisper to Beth hears): He’s got an erection. I think its time.

Beth (she put her hair into a ponytail and continuing to seduce Pete): Do you want to feel my hair in your cute little dick? Its more than 5 feet and 8 years of growth.

Pete (breathing harshly from excitement): Yes… I want Beth hair on my dick.

Beth: Pete… will you pay the price for your fantasy to be fulfilled?

With no hesitation Pete agrees to all Beth terms while not knowing the term. Because he was drunk in this real life fantasy dream. Beth called out her mother that she’s ready. Karen wrapped Pete’s neck with Beth long hair, while Beth continued to seduces him with her talk.

Beth: Do you like my hair around your neck? Can you smell how wonder my hair is?

Pete (trying to control his emotion): yes… it smells amazing…

Beth: MOM ! DO IT !

Pete was in for a surprised. Karen took out a scissor and slowly cutting through Beth’s long thick hair. Pete was crying inside but enjoy at the same time. The whole cutting action gave him mix feeling of fun and sadness. After watching the cutting process, Beth was left of a bob cut like 8 years ago. Pete was aroused by the haircut, and Beth’s long hair was left hanging around his neck.

Beth: Ahhhh… its so light and I can feel the air around my neck. Do you like my new short hair?

Pete (couldn’t process his happy emotion): It looks good on you…

When Beth took away her 5 feet ponytail around Pete’s neck. She’s amazed that her hair was this long and thick.

Beth: Wow… it looks so different when its out of my head. It so silky and soft (Beth smell her own ponytail). And it smells really good.

Karen: I got the tube dear… I think Pete is about to explode.

Beth wrapped the ponytail around Pete’s small dick giving it a nice massaged. Pete was living in his fantasy, the dream he always wanted. While Beth giving him a hairjob, Pete cum very quickly. Although Pete’s penis is small, huge explosion of semen come out. While Pete cum, Karen was there to collect his semen in a tube. After the collection, she put the tube of Pete’s sperm into the cooling box to preserved it.

After Beth was done giving a hairjob to Pete, she untied him and left him outside the house half naked.

Beth: You can have my ponytail as a gift. I’ll see you real soon.

Pete (lying on the ground, smiling like he was high on drugs): sure… bye Beth.

A year later after the hairjob incident between Beth and Pete. Beth and her mother was in the Lavish company talking to Pete’s father. Beth was pregnant with Pete’s child and got the DNA test to proved it. It turns out that Beth and Karen went to the hospital for intracervical insemination, choosing the best sperm from Pete’s semen that they collected and injecting it into Beth ovary. At the end, both side agreed on marriage.

8 years later

So life was good for Beth and Karen, they got accessed to unlimited wealth. Since then, Beth got beautiful 5 kids from Pete through intracervical insemination, without touching and giving sex to Pete. Beth also works in Lavish company as a managing director. She was still an angelic being with butt length brown shiny hair, and everyone in the company admired her.

Although life was good for Beth and Karen, Pete was a slave in the family, and his job was to take care of the kids. One day, Pete had forgotten to pick up the kids from a school field trip, and Karen had to do it. Beth was furious and rush home to punished Pete.

Beth: FUCK YOU, PETE !!! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE THEM !!! (she threw the plates at him.) YOU JUST HAD ONE JOB AND YOU CAN’T HANDLE IT !!!!

Pete: I’m sorry honey….. I won’t do it again…


Pete: No please don’t… when you’re angry you always shave your hair… please don’t do it….

Beth quickly shave off her butt length hair and threw it at him.


The crying Pete picked up Beth long hair and smell it for the last time. Since he didn’t experienced a hairjob from Beth again after the marriage. So Pete gathered the long hair on the floor and put it in his pants to pleasure himself.

Karen was so proud of Beth, taking control in the house. She let Beth did whatever she likes to her hair giving full control of her life.

Karen: Shaved head actually looks good on you, Beth.

Beth (smiling): Yeah I know… GOSH I wanted shave it for many years and finally got to do it again. That short, fat and stupid husband of mine don’t deserved my beautiful long hair.

Karen: So is he still crying?

Beth: Yeah… He’s crying while masturbating with my long hair that I just shaved off.

Karen: What a weird boy…



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