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CHLORINE and hair do DO NOT work well together …..

By JimB

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CHLORINE and hair do DO NOT work well together …..

By JimB (C)opyrighted March 2024

“Well you wanted to do it!” Linda’s, who was fifteen, mother, Vickie, said.

“Standing by the mirror will not change your hair back to it’s natural hair color.

“Nor, will it change your hair to the color you wanted.”

“But, mom!” Linda started to say.

“I know,” her mom quickly said.

“You read the instruction on the box and it said nothing about “chlorine” and hair dye.

“Your dad, who is a chemistry teacher at West Madison Hight School, and Helen your hair stylist told you NOT to go swimming for at least four days.”

“I know now!

“I should have waited.

“But, I wanted to show my girl friends my new blonde hair.”

“But, you became a joke to them,” her dad, Alan, told her as he walked by her and her mom.

“Like your mom said, “You wanted to do it”.

“Deal with it, you are going to have GREEN hair for at least the next four days.”

“Dad is there something you can recommend?” she said.

“A VISIT to Miss Vickie, he replied as he moved his hand over his head.

“NO way,” she told him and saw her mom doing the same thing.

“Then, just deal with the green hair for four days,” her mom told her as she held the phone.

“Hi, Vickie,” her mom said.  “Linda did not take her dad and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine!

“She will be coming to “Vickie’s Barber Shop”.

“Just do what you have to do.”

Linda walked in to Vickie’s Barber Shop and seeing Vickie had Robert, a friend of her, in her barber chair getting a flattop hair cut.

Vickie saw her and shook her head as she pointed go the waiting chairs.

Seeing Linda walking in, Robert said, “Hi Linda.  What are you doing here?”

Miss Vickie patted him on his shoulders and shook her head, telling him is was not of his business.  She pointed to the sign, which read “Hair cuts for men, boys. women, and girls”.

He took the hint and said nothing.

Linda sat looking around and saw she was Vickie’s next customer for her barber chair.

She wondered why her mom told Vickie, “Just do what you have to do.”

Why didn’t she take her dad and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine and hair dye dad and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine and hair dye

“Now let’s take a look?” Vickie said as she motioned Linda to her barber chair.

“Why didn’t you take your dad and Helen serious when they told you about chlorine and hair dye?”

“I just wanted my hair colored white blonde,” she started telling Vickie who was shaking her head and she looked at Linda’s green hair.

“The instructions on the box said nothing about chlorine and hair dye.”

Vickie capped her and turned to the shelf.  She reached under the shelf for something.

Linda was not looking the mirror over the waiting chairs.

She heard a CLICK.

Her head turned to the right side of the barber chair and the CLICK.

Vickie stand there with her hair clippers with no attachment.

“YOUR not going to?” she started to ask Vickie.

“Just hope your green hair is you natural hair color in four, maybe five, days,”Vickie told her as she placed the attachmentless clippers to Linda for head.

“PLEASE ….!” Linda started to say, when she looked at the mirror over the waiting chairs as Vickie slowly moved the attachmentless clippers back over her head.

“Nest time you should take dad and anyone serious when they tell you about chlorine and hair dye,” Vickie said as she began another slow movement back over head with the attachmentless clippers.

“Remember what your mom told me, “Just do what you have to do”.”

Linda shook her head “yes”.

“Well, I will be doing “what I told to do” and more,” Vickie told her  as she began moving the attachmentless clippers slowly over Linda’s head until all her ten inches of green hair was gone.

When Vickie turned the attachmentless clippers off, she hung the under the shelf.

She under did the cape and gather the ends together.  She placed the gather cape under the shelf.

She tossed a larger towel in the sink of hot water, as she turned and began tucking another larger towel in Linda’s blouse and spread it over the shoulders.

She reach for a bottle, on the shelf, and shook a liquid into her left hand.

As she turned to her barber chair she began rubbing her hands.

She rubbered her hands over Linda’s head.

Then, she reached into the sink and took out the hot and wet towel and rapped it around Linda’s head.

She reached to the shaving dispenser and slowed hot white shaving lather in her left hand.

She slowly spread the shaving lather over Linda’s head.

She reached to the shelf and picked up one of her straight razors.

She pulled the leather strap and began shopping the straight razor when she saw Linda was whipping tears from her eyes.

“Don’t do that,” Vickie told her.

“You were the one who did not listen to her dad and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine and hair dye.”

Vickie took her head shaving of Linda slowly.  She wanted her to understand when her dad and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine and hair dye.

With the last shaving stroke and Linda’s head shaved smooth.

“NOW, for the more?” Vickie told her as she put the head rest in the barber chair and moved the handle outward causing the barber chair to a prone position.

Vickie began rubbing her hands.

She rubbered her hand over Linda’s face and eyebrows.

She reached into the sink and took out the hot and wet towel and rapped it around Linda’s head.

She reached to the shaving dispenser and slowed hot white shaving lather in her left hand.

She slowly spread the shaving lather over Linda’s eyebrows and face.

She reached to the shelf and picked up one of her straight razors.

She pulled the leather strap and began shopping the straight razor.

First, Vickie shaved Linda’s eyebrows.  She checked her eyebrows to make sure the eyebrows were shaved smooth like her head.

She began slowly shaving Linda’s face.  She checked her face to make sure her face was shaved smooth like her eyebrows and head.

When Linda got home her dad was the first one see her.

“Maybe the next time you will take me and Helen serious when they told her about chlorine and hair dye,” he told her.

“I have put a safety razor and two cans of shaving cream in your bath room.

“Just make sure you shave your head once …..

“NO, make that two times a day.

“First you will shave your head in the morning when you get up.

“Then, you will shave your head before going to bed.”

“I don’t understand why Vickie shaved your eyebrows,” her mom said when she saw her.

“But, for some reason I like the shaved eyebrows.

“So, I want you to keep your eyebrows shaved in the morning after you shave your head.”

“WELL look what I found!” Robert, now her husband of five years.

“Where did you get those photographs?” Linda asked her husband.

“Back then, I was into taking photographs of everything,” he began.

“That day I had my camera and one of my closeup lens.

“You came out of Vickie’s Barber Shop just as I clicked to take a picture.

“I did not know it was you until I zoomed in on you face.

“I quickly took another photo of your face.

“It was not until I developed the photos and saw you had no eyebrows.”

“I remember when I got home and mom saw we with my eyebrows shaved,” Linda told Robert.

“She told me to shave my eyebrows ever morning after I shaved my head.

“I found out how much I like the shaved eyebrows.

“I just keep shaving them once a day.

“Do you like me with the shaved eyebrows?”

Robert leaned over to Linda and gave her kiss over each eye.

“Does that answer your question?”

“You know I really like the flattop Vickie gave you that day,” she said to him, with a wink.

“When I got home, I started thinking about the flattop Vickie fave you.

“And, wished she have give me a flattop, instead of shaving my head.

“You wished Vickie had given you a flattop?” he asked her.

She smiled and brushed her right hand over his head.

“I will be first in Vickie’s barber chair,” she told him.

“Shall we!” to said to her.

“Only I will be first in Vickie’s barber chair.

“That way, I get to watch her give you a flattop.

“Then, watch her shave your eyebrows off and your face.”

“Hi Vickie,” they both said as they walked into Vickie’s Barber Shop.

When she finished giving Mrs. Mayer’s her Bob hair cut, she walked to them and gave them a hug.

“Do you remember!” Robert told her as he showed her the photos of him and Linda.

“Yes,” she told them.

“Hope your mom did not get upset with the shaved eyebrows?”

“At first she was,” Linda told her.

“But, she changed her mind and told me I have to shave the eyebrow after shaving my head each morning.

“I kept the shaved until I was eighteen.”

“Tell her about the flattop,” Robert said as she nudged her.

“Well, when I go home and remember Rob getting his flattop.

“And, I wish you had given me a flattop instead of shaving my head.

“Also, how I like Rob with the flattop.”

“Like I told you,” he told Linda and Vickie.

“Me first …..

“Then, you and?”

“Flattop hair cut for both of you,” Vickie said as she walked to her barber chair.

“What is the “you and?.”

Linda and Rob looked at each other.

“Do you remember the “and more’? Linda said as she stepped back and sat in a waiting chair.

“You know they do a flattop a little different nowadays?” she said as she showed them the barber clippers with the quarter of an inch attachment.

Before Rob, or Linda, could ask, she was moving the clippers with the quarter of an inch attachment over and over his head.

She took a small comb and began moving the comb and moving the, now, attachmentless clippers over the comb leaving his hair flat on top.

She held the attachmentless clippers for both to see.

She began moving the attachmentless clippers up the right side of his head.

Woking the attachmentless clippers around his head to the left side of his head.

She turned it off and hung it under the shelf.

She removed the cape and stated tucking a large towed in his shirt.

With shaving lather she lather his hairline.

When he stepped for the barber chair after Vickie shaved his hair line, Linda brushed her fingers over his head.

“Shorter than back then,” she told him and Vickie as she sat in the barber chair.

“You know they do a flattop a little different nowadays?” she said as she showed them the barber clippers with the quarter of an inch attachment.

“Even for women,”

Rob smiled and mouth, “Going to love your flattop.”

Linda winked and smiled.

Before Linda, could ask, she was moving the clippers with the quarter of an inch attachment over and over her head.

She took a small comb and began moving the comb and moving the, now, attachmentless clippers over the comb leaving her hair flat on top.

She held the attachmentless clippers for both to see.

She began moving the attachmentless clippers up the right side of her head.

Woking the attachmentless clippers around her head to the left side of her head.

She turned it off and hung it under the shelf.

She removed the cape and stated tucking a large towed in her blouse.

“Do you remember what I also told you back then, she asked me.

“You mean, and MORE!” Linda said.

With shaving lather she lather she began lathering the right side of Linda’s head up to the flattop.

With the right side lathered, she slowly lathered around to the back and left side of Linda’s head.

When she stepped for the barber chair after Vickie shaved her back and sides of her head, Rob brushed his fingers over the back and side of her head.

“When we get home we will have an hour of fun,” Rob to Linda.

“And, hour!” Linda replied as her fingers moved over the sides of her head.

“With this GREAT flattop. it better be ALL NIGHT”.

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