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Buy Me A Coffee

Haircut for a mother of two

By J.lip

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“DD, come on, we don’t want to be late”,Anna said calmly with a hint of sternness in her voice. She was, at the moment, dualtasking between brushing her youngest’s hair and her own raven hair that felt like forever to brush through. Her youngest, Beatrice, munched down a microwaveable waffle as her mum prodded the both of them to the front door.

”DD, hurry up!”Anna almost screamed out to her oldest daughter who was briskly walking down to her mum and younger sister. She took her sweet time getting into the car as Anna became increasingly annoyed with her offspring. As the woman drove, the mother scolded DD for not picking up the pace in such a crucial moment. Her daughter, in response, put on her headphones to drown out her parent’s lecture.

When the car came to a stop outside the school where the girls attended, Anna grabbed her eldest by the arm and swiped the headphones from the girl’s head. DD tried to take back the headphones but Anna kept them away,”Now, you listen”,Anna eyed her young lady,”Today has been too stressful for me and you still live under my roof so when I say pick up the pace, do it”

”Fine”,DD agreed to only to get her headphones back but Anna unplugged them from her daughter’s phone, pissing off DD, and getting back in the car with them. Anna drove off with her daughter glaring behind her.

‘What a disrespectful little brat’,Anna thought in her head and coming to mutter the words under her breath,”She really needs to learn to get her butt in gear or else… I don’t know”

As she thought, Anna momentarily took her eyes off of the road. Coming back to it, Anna braked just as she came to crash a car’s bumper. Anna froze in fear as the victimized car’s alarm went off. A man, tall and thin, came round and asked,”Ma’am, are you okay?”

“Yeah”,Anna replied, tears forming in her eyes,”I’m so sorry. It’s been a stressful morning and…”

”Hey”,the dude motioned for her to calm down,”The damage isn’t severe and I know a guy. Just give your details and we’ll get this sorted out, okay?”

”Okay”,Anna couldn’t help but sob a little. She gave the man the relevant information, including her number, and Anna continued on her way to her job. It was a long day at the office and when it was done, Anna decided to call the man she trespassed and profusely apologized again. The guilt was just weighing heavily on her and she needed to atone for her sin.

The man, who gave his phone number to, was very sympathetic and accepted Anna’s hundred apologies with good humor. He said,”We all have those days. I feel ya. I would like to give you my gratitude too”

”What for?”Anna was confused.

”Stress is no fun and I would like to lighten your load. I can’t offer you the world but I do have a barbershop over by Dusky avenue. When you’re free, I’d love to give my services to you”,the man explained.

Anna accepted the offer and messaged her girls that she would be late coming home. She had to stay late at the office, she lied. Her car then zipped down to the road given and Anna didn’t have to scope around to find the place. The man was standing outside the barbershop, waiting for her. He hailed her as she excitedly came to him and into the shop.

His place had warm colors lighting and decorating the place. The chairs had beige cushions and everything was in its proper place. Anna had never really been in a barbershop before, she had taken her girls to a more feminine setting to get their hair cut and trimmed. This place was just otherworldly.

The man gave Anna a playful nudge, walked to a chair, gestured for her to sit in it. “You’re such a gentleman”,Anna gushed as she took a seat in the chair. Her barber adjusted the chair to face the mirror and he said,”Alright, let’s get you caped up”

”Alrighty”,Anna smoothed out her dress as her barber retrieved a navy blue cape from a cupboard above the clippers that draped over their hooks. She pulled back and held up her black hair and asked,”By the way, what’s your name?”

”Gus”,the man smiled, flinging the cape over the woman’s torso,”And you, I didn’t really get your name”

”Anna”,Anna let her hair down and gave her hair a quick sift-through.

”Well Anna”,Gus grinned from ear to ear,”Let’s make you gorgeous”

Anna giggled as though she was still in high school. Her eyes were fixated on Gus as he grabbed his comb and started sectioning off her crown. She thought of it so fine as to take the time to give her a haircut after such a long day.

When Gus had Anna’s crown pinned to the top of her head, he reached for a clipping device. He touched the utensil and looked back at Anna, saying,”I won’t be using a guard on my clippers, is that fine with you?”

Maybe at that moment, Anna should’ve thought for a minute or two but she was so memorized by Gus’s good looks and charm that she replied,”Do what you think is best”

Gus smiled and handled his clippers behind Anna, switching them on to signal that he wanted to start working. With a nod from Anna, the man tilted the woman’s head down slightly and started to run up her nape with the clippers. Strands of dark black were several as Gus clipped them off near the base, he made short work of the hair on the back and sides.

When the barber switched off the clippers, Anna tilted her head this way and that to awe at all the short stubble that peppered the back and sides of her head. She fantasized what Gus would do to her crown but at this point she would be just as satisfied to leave the place bald if it meant Gus was the one to shave her. Unpinning the crown hair, Gus started chopping the raven hair short. It started to rain with black trimmings and they littered every part of the cape and some strays even managed to stick to Anna’s face. They were quickly brushed and dusted away when Gus was finished with his work, he had given Anna a very short, buzzed Pixie cut.

Anna didn’t know what to say, she wanted to blurt out an ‘I love you’ to the man but surmised that would be inappropriate so she mustered a smile and blurted,”How much do I owe you?”

”Nah”,Gus removed and shook off the cape,”You came and allowed me to cut your hair short, as short as I wanted to go. That’s payment enough”

”Well, I do thank you for this cut”,Anna started to rub her stubbly neck,”I guess I should come back if I need a trim or something more”

”Yeah, sure”,beamed Gus,”Now, you have a good one alright”

”I will”,Anna smiled back,”Hey, you wanna grab coffee sometime”

”Maybe”,Gus shrugged, beginning to sweep up the cut hair that towered above the ground,”Whenever you’re free, call me”

”I will”,Anna repeated, making her way out of the barbershop.


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