Found this online in one of the Indian message boards – I corrected minor spelling issues and added paragraph breaks but reposting it as is
Now I am working in a Pvt. Security Services agency where military haircut by company barber is a mandatory. People appreciate my haircut. It all happened like below:
After completion of my education, it took some time for me to get a job. Finally I got a call letter from a security agency run by retired military officers. At the time of my interview HE specifically mentioned that in case I am getting a job there, I have to get my haircut from their hired barber only. As I have no other go I accepted the condition. After a week of my joining, my OFFICER gave me the barberĀ“ s address and asked me to get my haircut.
Next day early morning I went to his shop. To my surprise, actually it is not a barber shop. It is by the side of a street foot path.No chair, No big mirror, No perfume smell. After revealing my identity barber put a wooden plank on the floor and asked me to sit on it. Since it is early morning movement of people is very less. Thank God because in those days I was feeling shy if others watch my haircutting especially ladies. He was around 20 years old but stronger than me. I sat on the plank and he sat in front of me. To be frank, I like other guys sporting short haircut. But for my self, I feel shy. So my body was shivering thinking about my new haircut.
As I am not his regular customer at the same time a sure visitor for next time his treatment towards me is not like the barbers whom I visited earlier. He took out a white cape and put around me, bent down my head towards him and put a naught at neck. Then he poured some water from a bottle on my head ran his fingers in to my hair, gently massaged and wet it. He held my face at chin in his hand and combed my hair. He gave me a mirror. Since that place was next to a bus stop, I noticed a girl of 18 yrs watching my haircut curiously. I felt more shy. But no way.
The barber turned me and bent my head towards one side and started his activity. Since my head is not in a position to see the mirror, I can only see the barber with comb and scissors. I felt a little happy because he has not taken the clippers. Slowly hair pieces in large quantity is falling on the cape. The act continued for 5 minutes. Then he turned my head to the next side during which time I saw my face on the mirror. It is very short on the side he completed. After another 5 minutes he completed the other side also. Then he bent my head down to my chest. With scissors only he started cutting my hair back side. Compared to the sides, a lot of hair is falling now.
He stopped cutting probably to take rest for few seconds. I lifted my head and turned to the side of the girl to know whether she was watching or not. She was watching me without lifting the eye lids also. In the mean time the barber bent my head and started again cutting. After some time I felt the comb touching my skin. Then he trimmed my hair front side. After that he took water and applied at my ears and neck to do the hairline at back neck with a razor. The girl is still watching me. I am a little happy because usually this hairline shaping is the last act of a barber. So he is kind enough to leave the hair in front. After hair line shaping, he started combing my hair in front side with another scissor in another hand. By the time I realized what was happening hair in large is falling on my face and next on to the cape. It was like a black rain in front of my eyes for three minutes. In the mirror I could see my long hair in front side becoming very very short. No chance even to comb. It is less than one inch.
Barber is still operating his scissors but I pleaded. He is not willing. After some time he completed. It is almost like a bald. He removed the cape and dusted the hair on my face and body and asked me to get up. I got up with all my cut hair falling on the floor. In the mean time though 2 to 3 busses came and stopped in the bus stop the girl had not alighted any one of them. After finishing my cut the barber left the place probably for a tea or coffee. Then I reached the bus stop. The girl came and asked me the time, though she was wearing a watch. As I had been observing her for the past half an hour or so, I confirmed it that she might be in love either with me or with my haircut. After some discussion I pursued the matter for which she was prompt enough to say that I was looking normal before the haircut and very handsome after the haircut.
For the first time both, my shyness of girl watching my haircut and disinclination to sport a short haircut have gone. After exchanging our phone numbers we left the place. After some days she called and asked me when I was planning my next haircut. She said as she wants to watch me getting short hair Cut again in a barber shop she requested me to go to a foot path barber only so that she too can watch the entire process. I think she was a little hesitant to enter saloons. I obliged her because after all when I have no other option than to settle for a short haircut, let some one take pleasure out of it. She also Came there and again enjoyed my military hair cut Our friendship continued for 2 to 3 years during which time most of our discussion was about menĀ“ s short haircut.
By the time of our “good bye for ever” meeting, she turned me from a short haircut hate to short haircut lover. I was also happy that she was marrying a military man of her choice. So she can lead a happy married life in all the ways because she need not have to force the military man for a short haircut all the time. It was a mandatory for him at least for the next 10 or 15 years.
Nice story can u write more stories