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Buy Me A Coffee

Jenna’s scheming unwanted haircut

By Anwyll Relish

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Jenna had moved from the city to a suburban, quiet town. Her parents had passed away and she wanted to lead a quiet life, now that she had finally divorced her abusive husband. She had got herself a job as a notary clerk.

She was 32 years old, rather pretty looking woman, with a slender body. Her main attraction was her hair. She had thick long silky black tresses that flowed all the way down to her knees. A five-inch thick, and a four feet long braid always swayed behind her.

She loved the sensation of the heavy braid swing behind her. At work however she often wore it in a thick bun; but it was always comfortable to wear it in a ‘Plait’ or a ‘Ponytail’.

She had been staying in the town now for almost eight months and had become well-acquainted with the towns people.

Being a small-town Jenna and her hair came into the eyes of the townspeople and she often got compliments from her co-workers. However, her next-door neighbour Bonnie, a conceited fat woman in her 40s, despised long hair on women, considering her own hair was cut in a short boyish style; and given her way she would have every woman’s hair cut just as short.

She desperately wanted to see all of Jenna’s long silky hair sheared off forcibly if not willingly.

Jenna often met Bonnie standing outside in the morning, while going to the office and sometimes even stopped for a bit of chat; and on one such morning Bonnie waved to her to talk.

Jenna was dressed in her formal attire with her hair entwined in a thick tight braid, swaying sensually with the gentle breeze.

“Hey Jen, how’ve you been?” asked Bonnie. “I’m fine Bonnie, how about you?

“Say Jen, I was wondering, doesn’t all that long hair make you uncomfortable?” she asked.

“Oh… not at all, I’m used to having long hair and I love it like this” she replied.

“How long have you been growing it?” she asked lifting her braid from the center and examining it with both hands.

“Eight years”.

“Well, I think it’s time for a change? I know a great place that can give you an amazing style”.

“Thanks Bonnie, but I love my hair long, and I have no intention of getting a haircut.”

“Nonsense, you need a change girl” snapped Bonnie, giving a gentle tug to the braid she was still holding on to “Tell you what, I’ll take you to the salon today after your shift and get all this long hair of yours chopped off” she said moving up her right fist and gripping it from the shoulder level.

Jenna giggled, gently took her braid out of Bonnie’s grip, flicked it back again and replied “Sorry Bonnie, I am not getting my hair cut today or anytime in the future”. Bonnie knew that Jenna was not offended at the offer but was cautious not to push too hard. So she smiled and said “Oh well, in case you change your mind, the offer still stands”.

Jenna smiled and said “Well thanks for the offer but I have to decline; I’m getting late, got to go, bye”.

Bonnie watched her walk on with her braid swinging behind as she took out her phone again & clicked another picture of her hair with only one thought in her mind “Not getting a haircut anytime in the future huh? Sweetie, all that hair will be chopped off sooner than you think.”

She looked at the image she had clicked “Plan-1 ‘Persuasion’ did not work, good thing I thought of plan 2 and 3” she said in her mind.

Bonnie was both a customer & friends with ‘Bill’ a guy almost the same age as hers who ran a unisex hair salon. She was also well aware Bill’s fetish for chopping off long hair like Jenna’s.

When Bonnie told Bill about Jenna and showed him pictures of her hair, he was only too excited to run his shears through her long hair.

Bonnie also told him about how much Jenna was against getting her hair cut. Bill asked her to introduce Jenna to him somehow and he’ll take care of the rest. So they both schemed up a plot.

Bonnie then called up Jenna and requested her to accompany her to the marketplace on the coming Sunday as she could use Jenna’s assistance in shopping. Bonnie smiled triumphantly when Jenna agreed, bringing an equally cunning smile on Bill’s face.

It was a bright Sunday morning when Bonnie took Jenna to the market. After a bit of shopping, Bonnie told Jenna if she wouldn’t mind accompanying her to Bill’s saloon as she needed to have her hair trimmed a bit, again to which Jenna agreed.

The salon was empty when they entered. Bill was sitting in one of the waiting chairs, pretending to be reading a newspaper. Bonnie introduced Jenna to Bill.

“I see you got me a new customer” he remarked smoothly lifting and admiring Jenna’s thick braid with his right hand.

Bonnie immediately grabbed Jenna’s elbow “See Jen, I told you so” then instantly turning to Bill said “Yes Bill, please chop off all this long hair of hers, she really needs it. Just strap her to the chair and run your shears through those long locks”.

“Oh no Bill, Bonnie is your customer not me, I am in no mood of haircut” Jenna immediately retorted pulling her braid out of his grip” she clarified.

“Aww… that’s too bad, but I wasn’t talking about giving you a haircut” he responded, making Jenna look at him with a raised eyebrow, while Bonnie remarking with a grin “Really, not haircut?”

“Of-course not” Bill clarified as he pulled out a straight edge razor from his belt pouch and looking into Jenna’s eyes said, “I was thinking about shaving you bald, you’ll look really sexy with no hair at all” bringing a cunning smile on Bonnie’s face.

“Bill I’ll pay you triple if you shave her bald” commented Bonnie, bringing about a look of panic and fear on Jenna’s face, but she still managed to retain her composure and responded with a serious grin “Bonnie please”, then turning to Bill “Thanks for the offer Bill, but I’m not your customer” she said.

“Oh all right Bonnie” he replied with a smile “Take a seat then”.

Bonnie sat in the stylist’s chair while Jenna sat down on the waiting bench and flicked her braid behind the back of the bench; and began browsing through the pages of a magazine.

Fifteen minutes later Bonnie was done. While Bonnie paid the assistant at the cash counter, Jenna stood next to her, with her braid on her shoulder in front, when Bill walked up to them.

“You know Jenna, you are probably the first woman to walk out of my saloon with her long hair intact” he said as he gently gripped her braid with his right hand from the shoulder and ran his curled-up fist down the length of her thick plait with his left, stopping just above the thick cotton hair-tie that was holding her braid intact.

“Well there is always a first time for everything” replied Jenna with a smile.

“Perhaps, but how about the second time? How about on your next visit you willingly take the seat and I cut all your hair off?

“That’s never going to happen Bill” she answered with a sarcastic grin and tried to move; but Bill was still holding on to her braid and gave a gentle tug making her stop.

“Allright you win, but I do have a request Jenna.”

Jenna looked at him questioningly.

“I agree not to cut your hair or to even ask you for it, but…. on your next visit I want to let your hair down and brush it, and you’ll let me do it.”

Jenna grinned “I won’t be visiting again”.

“Yes you will” said Bill as he smoothly pulled the hair-tie off of her braid “I’ll keep this until your next visit”.

Jenna with half a smile shrugged, nodded sideways grabbed her braid out of his hand and walked out with Bonnie.

On the way home, Bonnie apologized for pushing Jenna for a haircut and also requested not to be offended by Bill’s behaviour; he simply likes to tease & flirt but really is a good man. Jenna assured Bonnie that she was not offended at either one of them since she knew that Bonnie was just joking. Besides Bill wasn’t the first scissor happy stylist who had offered to cut her hair off.

Jenna dropped Bonnie at her house and went off. Bonnie stood at the door watching Jenna walking away and thought to herself while smiling cunningly “Hmmm…plan 2 ‘Direct approach’ also did not work, but no worries, Plan 3 will be the charm…entrapment.”

On the next Sunday afternoon, Bonnie called up Jenna for a favour. She asked Jenna if she could go over to Bill’s saloon to fetch a box of aromatherapy oils that Bill had procured for her. She would have gone herself but she was having some guests come over, so she can’t get the oils herself. She also told Jenna that in-case she found his shop ‘Closed’ she should simply ring the bell outside as Bill lived on the first floor of the shop.

Naïve Jenna pleasantly agreed. She stepped out of the house wearing a plain white T-shirt with leggings and flip-flops, and had put her hair in firm & massive bun, on the back of her head, held in place with six ‘U’ shaped bobby pins.

Bonnie on the other hand notified Bill that Jenna was on her way. Bill immediately put the ‘Closed’ sign on his door so that he could be alone with Jenna when she came. He kept an eye through the window and soon spotted Jenna walking towards his shop.

She rang the bell and a voice came from the intercom ‘come in’. Jenna pushed the door and walked in while the door shut behind her itself. “Hello is anyone here?” she called out upon seeing the empty shop.

Just then Bill came out from another room from the far end of the shop and enthusiastically with a big smile stretched out his hand walking towards her “Jenna, this is definitely a pleasant surprise”.

Jenna smiled and held up her hand too. Bill grabbed her hand, pulled her close and put his left hand behind her head on her massive bun, where he could feel the metallic bobby pins.

“I knew you’d come; finally I get to let your hair down” he said. Jenna instantly withdrew herself taking a step back and said “Hold your horses Bill, Bonnie sent me to fetch the oils you got for her”.

“Oh I am so sorry Jenna, please forgive me” he responded with an expression of guilt on his face, making Jenna feel that it was an honest mistake on his part and not knowing that he was merely pretending.

Jenna smiled understandingly and said “Its all right Bill”.

“Well…the oils aren’t here yet, the delivery has been delayed by an hour; why don’t you wait here for a while till the oils arrive” he explained.

He saw a concerned look on Jenna’s face as she contemplated whether to stay or not, so he reassuringly said “Oh come now Jenna, you’ll be doing Bonnie a favour.

Jenna felt there was no harm in waiting, so she settled herself on the comfortably cushioned low back waiting couch.

Bill sat down next to her extending his right arm on top of the back of the couch, behind her, staring at her.

A few seconds later she looked at him and asked “Why are you looking at me like that Bill?”

Bill placed his palm on her bun and said “Jenna I promised last time I won’t do anything without your consent”.

Jenna understood that he wanted to take her hair down “Yes, but I promised you nothing in return” she answered and felt his grip getting firm on her bun.

“Please Jenna, I’ve never seen hair so long, beautiful and in such excellent condition” he said as Jenna felt him probing her bun.

“You really think that by complimenting me, I’ll allow you to play with my hair?” said Jenna; but did not know that by the time she had finished her sentence, Bill had smoothly removed two of her hair pins and dropped them on the carpet.

“Jenna I promise you again, I won’t do anything to your hair without your approval” he said removing and dropping two more pins, which Jenna felt this time. She felt him insert his thumb into her coil and firm up his grip.

“Bill please..sto…” she tried to say but Bill instantly put a finger on her lips “Ssssshhhh…girl, I promise you, you’ll also enjoy it” and saying so he tugged her bun out.

Jenna gasped as he pulled her partially open bun till her shoulder. She instantly raised her hand to protect it but Bill used his free hand to stop hers and pressed it down.

“Might as well” said Bill removing the remaining pins that were protruding out. Jenna exhaled and quietly turned around allowing him free access to her tresses.

Bill stood up and made her stand as well. Then flicking the last pins away he finally pulled down the lush, thick, silky, curtain of black hair which fell below her knees. He stood mesmerized and asked her to shake her hair a bit and she did.

Bill passionately began gathering her hair at the nape in the semblance of a ponytail while she stood still. Finally holding all her hair firmly in his grip at the shoulder level with his right hand he gave it a slight tug and said “Come with me”.

“Where are you taking me Bill?” she asked as he held her arm with his free hand and her hair by the other and led her to another room “special room for special treatment” he replied.

Though Jenna did not understand, still she complied to Bill’s demand.

She was further confused upon entering the room which had a rather luxurious saloon chair next to a wall mirror on one side, a closet on the other and surprisingly a floor-sofa on the other side with additional floor cushions in front of it.

He led her to the floor-sofa by her hair and made her sit on the floor-mat, while seating himself behind her on the sofa.

This was perfect, Jenna sat quietly with her hands clasped and elbows on her knees despite being slightly uncomfortable; while Bill began finger-combing her hair with full authority.

A minute later, she began to relax as Bill expertly & gently started brushing her tresses in the most passionate manner. He really knew how to handle long hair. He brushed through all parts of her skull and even under-brushed from the nape in the most relaxing way.

Soon all her inhibitions had disappeared as she even closed her eyes while Bill began to now play with her hair, by winding it around his fist, moving her head in different directions by her hair and even running his fingers down the length of her hair.

Both of them lost track of time, when finally he gripped her hair at the nape pulling it down gently, making her head tilt back; and bringing his own face close to hers. Jenna slowly turned her face towards him and the next thing she knew he had his lips locked on to hers.

His passionate kissing soon turned into foreplay “Bill, stop please, I don’t think…” she tried to say “Don’t stop me now Jen, you know you want this”. Jenna felt helpless as she submitted herself to his will.

Soon they were both naked with Bill banging her. Jenna shrieked with every thrust, and almost lost her senses when he climaxed in her.

She had no idea how much time had passed, when she finally came to her senses. She was sitting naked, between Bill’s legs on the bed, with her glorious locks covering her. Bill pulled her to her chest and began setting her hair behind her head. Soon he looked into her eyes while holding her hair in the semblance of a ponytail firmly at the back of her head.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you?” he asked.

A dazed Jenna replied honestly with a sober smile and a gentle nod. Then winding her hair around his fist once, he moved her face away from her and holding it firmly in that position said “If you enjoyed that, you will absolutely love what’s about to come”.

“What are you talking about?” she asked softly.

“Haircutting sex” he said.

Jenna got scared “What…what do you mean?” she asked trying to look at him, but his firm grip prevented her from doing so.

“Its time you got rid of all this long hair; and I am going to give you a sexual haircutting experience, like you have never imagined”.

“No Bill, please I don’t want a haircut” said Jenna almost on the verge of crying; but Bill using her hair as a handle moved her face to his and said “You don’t have a choice, I told you I’ll chop off your hair, when you step into my salon”.

Jenna was in shock now as he got up opened a drawer and pulled out a big sharp office shears. A crying Jenna pleaded him not to as he got back on the bed, placed the scissors on the side, turned her over and laid down on her.

Soon he maneuvered her into a position where she was on all four. He quickly gathered all her hair into a ponytail at the neck level and then thrust his penis into her hole. A crying Jenna shrieked loudly as he picked up the shears and opened the blades around the hair between her head and his grip.

Bill was in a different world as he pumped both, the scissors as well as his cock; the room was filled with noises from Jenna and the scissors.

“Thrust, thrust” “Aahh…aahh”, “Sssccrruunncch”, “Noo” “thrust thrust” “Aaaahhh”, “Sssccrruunncch” “Noo” “Oww…gawd”, “please…don’t..aaahh” “Sssccrruunncch”, “Sssccrruunncch”, “thrust, thrust” “Oohh…Aaaahhh” “Thrust” “Sssccrruunncch” “Please…stop” “Aaaaahhh…No…aaaaaaahhhh”, “Ssscscsrruunncchhh”, “Ssscscsrruunncchhh”, “thrust” “thrust”.

Bill was thrilled to see the way the silken strands parting and in an extreme moment of chance, he climaxed just the way he wanted to.

He exploded into her right at the moment the scissors made the final shearing sound “Sssccchhhnnniiiipppp”, releasing a thick 4 feet long ponytail in his hand.

Both of them literally collapsed with uneven tufts of hair falling on her face and Bill laughing with scissors in one hand and a the ponytail in the other.

Finally after a while when both of them had come to their senses, Bill got up and placed the tail and the scissors on the table first, he then looked at visibly sad Jenna who was weeping quietly looking at the uneven tufts of hair hanging around her face.

Bill took a small pouch out from the closet. He went up to her and shifted her position; he sat behind her, spreading his legs and made her sit between his legs. His left arm went around her waist and with his right he pulled out a smaller pair of scissors.

Jenna looked at him with teary eyes “how much more are you going to cut?”  but Bill did not answer. He pushed her head down, lifted a small lock from the back of her head, snipped it off and threw it away.

Fresh tears flowed from Jenna’s eyes as Bill continued to snip away the remaining hair all over her head until her hair was chopped unevenly barely a couple of centimetres long.

Finally he pulled a battery powered clipper from the pouch. Jenna covered her face with her hands as he began running it all over her head, clearing out one swath after the other.

Only a stubble merely a millimetre long, remained of what was once lush, thick, 49 inches of long beautiful hair. There they were, lying naked on one another, with clumps of hair everywhere. Jenna’s face had visible traces of tears and looked extremely dismal.

“Why the long face Jen, you look beautiful” said Bill running his hand over her head. Jenna turned her face away. “I know how to make you happy” he said and saying so he picked her up in his arms.

He carried her to the bathroom in his apartment where he had already arranged a bathtub filled with scented water.

He sat in the tub with Jenna on his lap and once again passionately made love to her. An hour later Jenna had sobered up and accepted her new look. She dressed up and was about to walk out when Bill stopped her “Hey Jen the oils arrived when you were getting dressed, here give these to Bonnie with my regards”.

Jenna quietly took the oils and walked off. She rang the bell at Bonnie’s house and Bonnie opened the door. “Oh my god Jen, you look gorgeous, shrieked Bonnie”.

“Thanks” replied Jenna with a quiet smile.

“Come in, you sure took your time” she said taking Jenna’s hand.

Bonnie took the oils from Jenna, placed them on the table and then looked at Jenna scanning her from bottom to top.

“Good thing I sent you to Bill; I knew he’s the only one who could subdue you into chopping your hair off”.

2 responses to “Jenna’s scheming unwanted haircut”

  1. This is my favorite recent story. I like the dynamic between Jenna and Bonnie. I like Jenna’s poise and confidence in her hair, how in step she takes Bonnie’s ham fisted efforts, and especially the length and beauty you lavish in describing Jenna’s long hair. Concrete hair descriptions are always so much more compelling than vague ones. Hoping you write more!

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