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Only a fringe

By Lira1802

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Deena White loved hair; cutting it, styling it. What she liked most about hair was the fringe. It was the best part of the head of hair. She opened up a barbershop on fifth Street for the purpose of cutting and styling fringes. With the rest the hair, Deena didn’t like to cut or style it so decided to make a rule that whoever came into the shop would have their head shaved except for the fringe.

A new girl didn’t know this rule and entered the barbershop looking for a simple haircut. Deena sat the young woman down in the chair and flipped a lime-green cape over her body, tightening it around the neck. Then, the hairdresser undid the bun the lady had put her hair into and made it unfurl until it all rested on her shoulders. The hair was quite thick and brown.

”How would you like your fringe?”Deena asked routinely.

”I would like it just above my eyebrows and…”

”Alright”,the hairdresser interrupted, gathering up enough hair for a fringe and sectioning off from the rest of the hair. The young woman was going to inquire about the rest of her hair but Deena wasn’t listening and just moved along with the process. She went and grabbed the clippers, turning them on with no hesitation.

“Head down, please”,Deena said, tilting the young woman’s head down herself. She brushed some hair aside and scaled the back of the woman’s head with the clippers. Mounds of hair piled up as the hairdresser went around the chair, clearing her customer’s hair of excess hair. When the only long hair left was the fringe, Deena clicked off the clippers and rubbed the young woman’s stubbly head.

She put down the device and picked up a can of shaving cream. Adjusting her client’s head upright, she caked it in the white foam and removed the foam with a safety razor. The young woman’s head was smooth, except for the fringe, which brought Deena so much joy. She whirled the chair around to face herself and took out the pins securing the hair. Her fingers raked through the remaining hair. One finger tucked itself under the customer’s chin and lifted it some so that Dena had the best view to work.

Deena grabbed the clippers again and took up a comb as she clicked the clippers on. With expert precision, Deena cut the perfect fringe for the young woman. She then turned the chair to face the mirror when she was satisfied. All the young woman could do was gaze at her perfect fringe and shiny, bald head as Deena put away her tools. The hairdresser had done it again.

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