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Buy Me A Coffee

Ruining a perfectly happy marriage

By Lira1802

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Ms. Maude Kemper is a very skilled hairdresser who operated a small beauty parlor in the middle of strip mall. One afternoon, she happened to spy a couple walking down the boardwalk. They were a modest duo. The man wore a suit and looked like a classic gentleman. His girl was lengthy and very conservative. She wore a green dress that fell down to her ankles and had a dark brown, knitted coat atop that. Her dark brown hair was all up in a roll on the nape of her neck.

As the couple came down the way, the woman stopped at the door to the beauty parlor: making her man take notice. She whispered something in his ear and he gave a nod. The young woman walked into the salon as the man turned to the parking lot and stood guard for his honey to return.

”Why, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes”,Maude greeted her guest.

”Aw, thank you”,the woman curtsied for the beautician, then walking towards the styling chair,”I really could use a trim”

”Alrighty”,Maude nodded as the woman took a seat in the chair,”Let’s get you started”

Maude opened a drawer and got out a lime-colored cape. The young woman had already put her light jacket on her lap when Maude flipped the cape over her body and brought it up around her petite neck. After securing the cape, the hairdresser undid the gigantic bun on the back of the woman’s head and unfurled a waterfall of hair.

”My my”,the woman marveled,”You have a lot of hair. How do you take care of it all?”

The woman giggled,”It’s quite a process but I manage to keep it clean and shiny for my man. I’m positive that’s why he married me and, to tell you the truth, he has never seen me with any shorter hair”

”Oh”,Maude thought for a moment,”He has never seen you with short hair, you say”

”M-hm”,the woman nodded.

”Maybe we should change that”,Maude went and reached for the the clippers. The young woman’s eyes widened and became nervous when Maude was handling the device. She tried to rise from the chair but the hairdresser pushed her back down with one hand, saying,”I don’t care what you say but you are staying in this chair until I’m through”

The woman was so frightened that she nodded and sat still for the hairdresser. A terrifying, steady hum rang throughout the establishment as Maude just picked a random angle and started to move the clippers up the young woman’s head. Big patches of tresses fell down in a torrent as the beautician continued to shear her customer. All the once proud locks of the young woman’s head was now lying limply on the floor. Maude examined her work as the young woman could only look at her balding self in the mirror.

”Oh, honey”,Maude rubbed the stubbly head of her client,”I bet your man hasn’t seen you with a clean shave, has he. Let’s get you done up for him”

Maude turned the chair to face her and told the young woman to close her eyes. Still afraid, the young woman did so. The hairdresser used the clippers to shave off the woman’s eyebrows. Then, she clicked off the clippers and put them away, grabbing her sharp, cutting scissors in return. Her client had not opened her eyes yet when she returned. Maude tilted the woman’s head up and looked at her beautiful face awhile before using the scissors to cut the eyelashes of the woman really close. A single finger from Maude wiped away the snipped lashes off of the young woman’s cheeks and nose.

The hairdresser turned the chair back to face the mirror as the young woman slowly opened her eyes. Maude retrieved a can of shaving cream and caked the woman’s entire head in the white foam. She opened a box of straight razors and put a towel over the young woman’s right shoulder. Such a hairdresser worked dutifully and skillfully to give her customer the smoothest shave of her life. Finally, the young woman was bald and had no eyebrows. All she was left with were extremely short eyelashes.

While the young woman stayed in the chair, Maude cleaned her up and swept away all the cut hair. She then put her hands on the woman’s shoulders and said,”Well, this will certainly be a surprise for your man”

Maude undid the cape and took it off of the woman’s body. She helped the young woman to put on her coat and escorted her to the door. The beautician watched on as the woman left the shop and came up behind her man. After taking a few breaths, the young woman timidly tapped on her man’s shoulder blade. He turned around with a smile and looked on her with surprise.

The hairdresser went back to her business, periodically glancing towards the couple who were talking rapidly. She smiled. Suddenly, the man barged into the shop with an air of adrenaline.

”Are you the woman who shaved my wife”he demanded fiercely.

”Yes, I am”,Maude stood her ground,”She needed a change and remarked that you have never seen her with short hair”

”Well”,the man replied,”I just came in to thank you”

”Ok”,Maude said in surprise,”Well, you’re welcome”

”Yeah”,he admitted,”To be honest, she looks more beautiful with her dark brown hair and eyebrows and it kinda renews my love for her”

”Well”,Maude said to herself,”That was unexpected”

”Listen”,he added,”I’ll try to bring her back here every so often so she can get a touch up every so often. Alright?”

”Alright”,Maude nodded,”I’ll be looking forward to her return to my shop”

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