It had been almost 4 years since Vanessa’s buzzcut, and a lot had changed in her life. Vanessa had shortly quit her job after the haircut, the pressure from the job was too much for her. She wanted to pursue her hobby for writing and decided to start working on that.
As for her hair, Vanessa wanted to grow it back. She found short hair amazing, but she wanted the feeling of long hair back. The growing out phase was very messy and troublesome, but Vanessa decided to bear with it and keep growing it. Her hair grew rapidly and was all the way till her hips. It was something like this-
Vanessa had got a boyfriend as well, Roy. They had been in a relationship for 3 months now. Roy loved her long hair, and he made sure Vanessa knew that. Roy however, was an alcoholic. One night, he returned home extremely drunk. Nothing happened in the home, however Vanessa heard from their common friend, Beth, something that made her feel extremely sad.
Roy had revealed to Beth and some other people, that the only redeeming quality in Vanessa was her hair. And that he would have broken up with her, had it not been for her hair.
Naturally, Vanessa was distraught, she immediately decided to break up with Roy.
But for Vanessa, the comment stuck with her. It was probably, not just Roy. Probably anyone viewed her like that. Long hair, that’s it. She didn’t want that, she was so much more than that. Vanessa thought for a fair while on what she wanted to do, she didn’t want this to be an impulsive move and wanted something that would last her a long time.
Initially, she was tempted to go back to her buzzcut. But, she felt that it would again be the thing that would be used to view her- the bald one. She didn’t want that. She wanted something that was short, but not that short.
She went on Pinterest for some inspiration. She instantly found a reference, which she felt was perfect. It was this-
Vanessa felt this was a haircut, she could carry long term. She had made up her mind, that she would maintain this haircut regularly. It was super short, while still feminine. She made an appointment with Destiny.
Destiny was surprised to hear from Vanessa after such a long time, and she quickly confirmed the appointment.
Vanessa walked in and pretty much everything was the way it was 5 years ago, Destiny now had a blunt chin-length bob. But she was still her usual self.
“Hey hon, it’s been ages!” As Destiny ran over to Vanessa to gave her a hug.
“It’s been a long time, how have you been.” Vanessa replies with the same enthusiasm.
“I am great, look at your hair wow. You grew it back huh?” Destiny says with a hint of surprise.
“Oh yeah, not for long though.” Vanessa replies with a nervous smile, as both of them make their way to the chair.
“So how short are you thinking.” Destiny asks with a certain sense of excitement and nervousness.
Vanessa shows her the reference on her phone. “So super short.”
“Quite a change.” Destiny replies looking at the reference with amazement.
“Yep, cut it all off. Fully committing to short hair now.” Vanessa says resolutely.
“So do we want to use the clippers?” Destiny asks curiously.
“No, just scissors. Cut it as short as you can. But yeah, no clippers this time.” As Vanessa laughs.
“Perfecto then, say bye bye to all this hair” Destiny says with joy as she playfully ruffles Vanessa’s hair. She leaves to get all her stuff.
Destiny quickly returns with everything. Vanessa is quickly caped, and the haircut is underway.
Destiny is not using the clippers this time. She simply holds Vanessa’s hip length hair between her fingers. Very close to Vanessa’s scalp, and brings the scissors close to them, and snips. With an instant, her long hair falls on the floor. The remaining chunk of her hair, is barely 2 inches long. Vanessa sighs and then smiles.
Destiny works her way around Vanessa’s head and does the same with the rest of her hair. After 15 minutes, her hair is shorn to a messy pixie. It still has to be evened out, but even in this state it is quite short. Vanessa is used to short hair, so it’s not a big surprise to her. Her head just feels a lot lighter, so she is more happy.
Destiny quickly gets the comb and begins cutting her finely and more precisely. The back is cut a lot shorter than the top, but still only with scissors. It takes another 10 minutes, before the cut is fully done.
Vanessa’s hair looks exactly like the reference-
Vanessa thanks Destiny and leaves, Destiny is delighted to have been given the opportunity to do her haircut.
For a week Vanessa loved her short haircut, but she felt going back for trims would prove to be expensive. She felt she needed something more economically feasible. She decided to go for a buzz cut. It was not ideal for her, as she didn’t want to get it. But this made sense overall for her. Her plan was to get a pixie wig, and to wear it all the time.
She immediately ordered a set of clippers and the various guards. And she ordered her wig as well.
She felt it only made sense for her, to get it, that ways she could regularly maintain her haircut and save money as well. She loved Destiny’s company but this just made more sense. So what she intended to do was to shave her head bald, regularly every week and then wear the wig.
Soon the clippers arrived and the wig. She instantly went out to shave her head, she turned the clippers on and recklessly mowed her pixie down. Hair fell down everywhere and within a few minutes, she was bald. She made a couple of more passes to be sure, that no part was left and then she was all done.
She took a quick bath and then put on her wig, which also was a super short pixie and made her look sorta like-
After this, there was no looking back for Vanessa. She regularly shaved her head every week, and she loved her wig. It was the best of both the worlds, and she looked keenly to the end of every week when she would shave her head. She missed Destiny, but the joy of cutting her hair was a much more fun prospect for her.
Vanessa felt a lot more confident after shaving her hair and wearing the wig, and people started viewing her for the person she was and not just judge her based on her hair. Vanessa felt incredibly happy with her decision and recommended to her friends to do the same, but the others were not to keen to shave their heads bald!
Great addition to the story, and I absolutely love that first pixie style…
How nice of you to let us share in your ideas! I mean, I like it you include (pinterest) pictures in the stories. Unfortunately the first link in this story is rotten (gives a general entry page). And as a long hair lover, I’d like to see this long hair of our Vanessa.
On the other hand, most of your short styles are also delicious to see… Sometimes it should be possible to have both (the wig idea…) in the same woman/girl.