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Tangled Pledges

By Sana Ali

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Sana is a poor girl who live in a very small village with her parents and a younger sister, Sana was not very educated but she was a real beauty in, everyone in the village have seen her since she was a child but as she grew older she starts become a goddess all the males use to drool just in hope to get catch a glimpse but sadly she would only step out of the house being fully covered , making sure that no on can see even the color of her skin, not only her outer beauty but also her obedience and submissiveness towards her family and elders , knowing all the house work use to make her the perfect wife material.

All the males of the village wished to make her their wife, many parents of the young man have sent marriage proposal were sent but all were denied, until one day the news spread in the village that Sana have been engaged by a man who is their far relative. This news broke the heart of all the males for marriage. Every was hoping to see who will be the groom and soon it was announced in 3 days Sana would be marring, As the groom lives in Dubai and have no close relatives so no function will be held.

Everyone waited for the groom to see who he was and finally a luxurious SUV came and stopped right at the door of Sana. After few hours and tall handsome Man in a Navy Blue suit walked out carrying a small Bag.  As he placed the bag in the back seat of the car, few uncles from neighbors came to congratulate him on the marriage. Soon covered Sana stepped was lead outside the house by her family, mother and sister still hugging and guiding her to the front seat of the car, whole village gathered around the house just hoping to see one last chance to see Sana but the veil still hid her only for the eyes of her husband.

Soon the man sat in the car and drove off.

The couple lived a happy life Sana was a perfect wife as everyone has thought except for one thing Sana was a very conservative girl but her husband wanted a wife who would be modern, he have tried to convince her but she would not agree.

Months have passed but still Sana haven’t changed a bit. One day a phone call came to Sana from her mother.

Mother: Sana, Please you would have to ask your husband to help us.

Sana: What happened, Please came down what happened.

Mother: Your father is really sick, We have taken him to the hospital in the city but but.

Sana: What happened to dad what are the doctors saying.

Mother: They are saying we they have to operate him and for that we have to deposit the money and you know our money condition.

Sana: Mother don’t worry I’ll call him right away and we will be there today. (with that call was cut and another call was made by Sana to her husband.)

Soon they were off to get a flight to reach Sana’s Family.

By night they were at the hospital with her family.  Mother and daughter hugged and cried in the worry of the father.

Mother: Dear your like my son would you please help us. (Said to Humair, Sana’s Husband)

Humair: Ofcourse  I will help you but in return I want something.

Mother: What can we possible give. We have given you our daughter , we don’t have money you know what, what can we possible give you that you don’t have.

Humair: I want to shave a woman’s head. (hearing this a shock froze both mother and daughter) I have tried to convince Sana many time but she won’t listen.

Mother sat down on hearing this condition , leaving them helpless to help her husband , but lost in deep thought how to save her husband. After thinking for half hour she said ok

Mother: I will let you shave my head, but please help us.

With a sly smile Humair walked to the counter and gave his card charge.

Humair: Tomorrow After the operation all of us will go home and you will get your head shave (Even though he wanted to shave his wife but shaving his mother in law will still fulfill his hidden dark secret)

Next day after the operation wen successful all three mother , Sana and Humair went to their house to shave his mother in law’s head.

Upon reaching, mother sat at the lounge floor, and Humair stood behind the his mother in law,

He opened her hair and started to wet her hair.

Humair: So are you ready.

The mother in law nodded her head in agreement with tears in her eyes.

Humair pushed her head down and place the straight edge razor on the center of her head and started to move it, as the razor move the hair starts to fall in her lap. Leaving freshly shaved head and white skin.

After the completing the head shave he rubbed her head , then started to apply shaving cream and reverse shave, making sure no hair is left on the head. Once satisfied, he applied baby oil on her head giving it a shiny finish.

Once the father returned home the couple went home back to Dubai at their home. Sana was very upset that her husband took advantage of the situation and shaved her mother’s head. She still obeyed her husband but was still angry for weeks, just when the things got normal between the couple and Humair started to convince his wife to get a makeover but no luck.

Once again Sana’s Father was admitted at the hospital and the couple flew to them.

Mother looked at her son in law and lowered her head. She had promised herself after her headshave that she would never ask her son in law for help but she was helpless.

Mother: Would you help us?

Humair: Sure! But.

Mother: Yes you can shave my head as many times as you want but please help us.

Humair: That’s cute, but this time all three of you ladies will get your headshave. Yes, You , my wife and your youngest daughter.

The helpless mother had no other option but to surrender and agree to it.

Humair: and to make sure I’ll pay half now and half after the headshaves.

With that he walked to the counter and paying half of the money in cash and said “Tomorrow”

On the next day, All three females sat cross-legged in the lounge as Humair walked behind them who to shave 1st. finally he placed his hands on mother in law shoulders.

Wetting the over grown boyish hair of his mother and starts shaving them with the razor just like the last time. After applying the baby oil on the freshly shaved head.

Next in line was the sister in law with black mid back length hair. Gathering them in a ponytail and cutting it for, He starts to swing the long ponytail in front of her face with a smile and drops it in her lap making sure it touched her face before falling, with that he starts spraying water and massaging her head, then with the straight razor starts to shave it. Making the short hair form a pile over the long ponytail resting in her lap. After shaving it two times he shaved her head in reverse with shaving cream, making sure that her head looks like it never had any hair.

In the end he moved to Sana and removed her scarf, Showing a huge bun hanging behind her neck, as he opened the bun, Knee length Hazel brown hair starts to roll down and to the floor, he gather the hair and played with time a little, teasing Sana and then whispered in her ear “Only if you had listen to me”.

He opened the scissors and started to cut the hair in small chunks making sure that all the hair chunks were sliding in front of her eyes and into her lap. The cutting kept going and going, forming the pile of beauty silky hair chunks as with every snip the pile grew and grew, once the hair were on to the level that they can’t be cut by the scissors then only he switched his weapon from scissors to manual clippers.

He again got back in to action and started clipping his wife’s head; the manual clippers would cut less and pull more. Causing the pain and discomfort to his wife while clipping her head he said to Sana “Will you listen to me from now on, (Sana Nodded in yes) Will you do whatever I say?” (Again Sana nodded with tears or sadness and pain her eyes.)

After clipping Sana’s head completely he started wetting her head and applied shaving cream and starts Shaving, after every stroke he would wipe the razor on her face by the time head was shinny after the shave her whole face was covered in shaving cream,

Humair walked front and sat on the floor and said “Oh Dear, Look your face is covered in shaving cream, Now I have to remove it too”

He changed the blade right in front of her and starts to shave her face, completely removing all the hair from her face.

Humair: It really suits you shinny face and head. Let’s wrap it now we have to go to the hospital.

He stood up and took some liquid in his hand and rubbed it on Sana’s Head and face, giving a Burning sensation to Sana.

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