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Buy Me A Coffee

Team Effort

By Wahl0000

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Remember earlier this sumer when Kelly and I had our deck warming party and Terry asked me to shave her head? And after that several more women and men also had their turn in the barber chair. That was a fun evening food, fun and hair razing!

About 6 weeks later, Terry called and spoke to my wife about another party. This time it was for Terry’s daughter’s soccer team. They also wanted to show support for Samantha. By now, Samantha was totally bald from Chemo and was waiting for the lab reports to return so she could get her bone marrow infusion and being the road to recovery and return to normal.

Kelly told me that we were going to be getting several guests this evening for a party. I had no clue of what was about to happen and to who! But, it was going to be a fun evening. Kelly told me not to worry about anything that it was being taken care of. Terry asked Kelly if she had told me anything and she replied no. Terry had let her hair grow since the last time she was at our house. (that was going to change also!) At 7pm, three cars pulled to the curb around our cal-se-sac and 8 young ladies and 4 young men piled out of the cars. I was totally confused. Until I saw the sign Megan was carrying. It read, “We love you Samantha, Get well soon. And it had pictures of the soccer on it with blank spots below each one. Each of these 12 had T-shirts on that read “Samantha Strong” with her number in the middle of the arc. Behind them was Terry and Bill. All the kids helped Terry and Bill unload the SUV. They all carried pizza, soda and cupcakes. Terry had a camera and a tripod.

The girls were all on Samantha’s soccer team, the boys were just really good friends, and they were all here to get their heads shaved in support for their classmate. My heart pounded in my chest and I was really unable to even fathom what was about to happen.

The ladies and gentlemen entered the house and after unloading their goodies on the kitchen table, each introduced themselves to me and Kelly. They were all seniors and there was Megan, MaryBeth, Teagan, Tanner, Gloria, Amanda, Debbie, and Kari. The boys Ryan, Nick, Carter and Brian.  When Terry and Bill entered Terry gave Kelly and me a huge hug. Bill also gave us a hug, shook my hand and said that Terry and he were pretty close and they had even mentioned something about a wedding! See what happens after a great haircut?!

After all the munching, talking, and laughing was finished, it was time to get down to business. Terry set up her tripod and mounted her phone on top and was going to record this and get Samantha on the phone to watch. This was going to be one more night to remember for all.

Terry called Samantha and set up the phone so she could see everyone. All said hi and we got started. I asked who wanted to go first? MaryBeth was first. She said it practice was hot and this would help. She had sandy brown hair to the middle of her back. I asked if she wanted a guard, she said no. I caped her and flipped not he clippers. I asked, you ready? She nodded and I placed the clippers on her forehead and went over the top leaving a light sandy brown swath. She said that it felt good. So, I completed her cut in a couple minutes. I brushed the hair off her shoulders and removed the cape. She rubbed her head and said that it felt absolutely fantastic! All the kids clapped and one by one each of the kids took their seat and had their heads shaved. One young lady asked if it would be OK if she went totally bald because she thought it would be cool! Kelly went upstairs and brought my skull shaver. Amanda had red hair down to her butt. How she practiced and kept her hair was beyond me, but she sat down and I caped her. I started with the back and worked my way around her head until she had a long mohawk. Then I ran the clippers over the top of her head until just an all pink fuzz was left on her head. I asked her if she really wanted to be bald, she nodded. I picked up the skull shaver and flipped the switch and the growl of the high torque motor turning the 7 blades came to life. I started on the top of her head and worked in small circles to be sure I removed all the fuzz. About 2 minutes later I was finished and she was bald. I scalp conditioning cream to help sooth her head. She felt her head and said that she had wanted to do this for a long time.

I asked the kids if their parents knew what they were doing? They all said yes and it was fine with them. I was tapped on the shoulder from behind and it was Terry and she asked me if I would shave her head again. Her hair was about 2 inches long from the last shaving. I said I would be honored! She sat down and all the kids stopped and clapped and you could see Samantha wiping her tears. I caped Terry and picked up the clippers and turned them on. I made quick work of her hair being only 2 inches long. I was finished, she said fire up that hair eater you got. I picked up the skull shaver and fired them up. It took only minutes to make her head shiny again. I also applied scalp lotion to help soothe the skin.

After all the guys and gals were shaved and done rubbing each others’ shaved heads, we had them all gather for a group picture. They were insistent that Kelly and I were in this picture. We all posed for the final picture and said by to Samantha.

When all was over, we had a pile of hair about a foot deep and multi-colored! They all helped clean up and after they left, Kelly kissed me and said guess what I want you to do? I had a couple of guesses, but since I had the clippers and skull shaver, you guessed it, Kelly wanted me to shave her bald again!

We moved inside and I plugged the clippers into the outlet, and at the same time, Kelly took her shirt off and threw it on the couch, unfastened her bra and tossed it on the couch also. She then slid out of her shorts and panties and was standing clad in only her birthday suit and a smile waiting for me to disrobe also.  After I did so, she sat down and said what is taking so long?! I told her I was in no rush and I was enjoying the view. I clicked on the clippers and ran them over the top of her head and again and then worked around the sides and back. Turned the clippers off and picked up the skull shaver. Clicked them on and just as I started to use them on her head, she shivered and had a huge orgasm. I was just beginning to shave her head when she reached up and grabbed my pole and shoved it into her mouth! I could not hold back and shot my load of hot cum into her mouth. And to my surprise, she swallowed it! This made me even more excited!

Kelly was finished and bald and gorgeous! Not many women were as pretty as Kelly, but no one was more pretty than Kelly when she was bald. She looked just awesome. We finished the night with enjoying our bedroom Olympics!

Ladies, if you have ever wanted a really short pixie or even to shave your head, you have already thought about it. Just go ahead and do it, I guarantee you will look amazing! And, it is amazing what a new haircut will do for you!



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