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The mall haircut

By Lira1802

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It was an excruciatingly slow day at the mall. Maria is a hairdresser at in a small, high end salon on the south side of the complex. It is usually somewhat busy during the week but today was unbearably lacking. All the poor hairdresser could do was tidy up her workplace and wait patiently for a customer to arrive.

As she made herself comfortable in her own styling chair, Maria happened to glance outside the salon’s front window. A woman caught her eye. The woman was wearing a basic grey shirt and jeans with simple shoes on her feet. Her chest was covered by a plain, black apron. A head of brown hair was up in an easy bun atop her head. This woman had brought with her the following: a metal, foldable chair, a striped, styling cape, and a pair of electric clippers.

She started to make her setup nearby one of the mall’s sofas. The cape was draped up the chair as the woman used the outlet on the bench to plug in her clippers. When everything was ready, all the woman did was stand by the chair, waiting for a customer.

Maria took note of this queer site and continued to watch. Soon, a mother and daughter came walking between the shop and the waiting woman with the simple, foldable chair. The mother and daughter stopped just short of the woman by the bench and took an interest in her services. Maria thought the two would come to their senses and come into the shop but almost instantly, the young girl had jumped into the flimsy, foldable chair.

This girl was not dumb but smart and beautiful, with long, black, and loose curls falling down her back so freely. This freelance woman smiled, nodded, took up the cape, and draped it over her little companion. She tightened up the cape and retrieved her tool. Despite the cheap setup, the clippers looked like they were of good quality. They hummed to life and sounded beautifully. Maria watched as the clippers peeled back a strip of loose, black hair and its descend to the cold, mall floor.

The woman dutifully to get her customer perfectly sheared. It didn’t take long for all the hair to come off which amazed Maria. When the young girl’s head was just a plain of fine, minute stubble, the woman simply clicked off the clippers and removed the cape. The mother was delighted to have her dear daughter’s long, black curls all gone and paid the woman well for her work. But then, she herself sat in the chair. Like her daughter, the mother had all her hair buzzed off to a short buzz cut and loved the hairstyle very much. The duo then walked away happily.

Maria went on to watch as the woman raked the cut hair together with the side of her shoe. She then gathered up the hair, put it all into a donut in her hand, and tossed the bundle into the nearest receptacle. Over time, Maria noticed more and more people flocking to the woman’s workplace rather than to her high-end salon. Everyone got their turn in the flimsy, metal chair and had their hair completely buzzed off. It was madness but it worked. The woman’s simple hustle worked!

It was nearing the end of the day when the woman walked into Maria’s shop and asked,”Could I borrow a dustpan and broom from ya? I would like to make sure no little bits are left behind”

”How? How did you do that?”Maria could only ask.

”Oh”,the woman said,”It’s simple. I only do one haircut and it seems that’s enough for people”

Maria only nodded and gave the woman what she needed. As the woman cleaned up her workplace, the hairdresser thought,’this shop could use a little simplicity’

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