In the late 80’s Renee and I met Dave and Deana in our community, he an up and coming attorney, her a loud mouth stay at home mom of 3, into everyone’s business – you know the type. Fast forward to this past year when I learned of their divorce and the straight laced Deana now making up for all those pinned up years as a real Bitch by hanging at local watering holes and really becoming quite the social butterfly. I ran into her one late evening at the Place, a late night bar full of older single folks looking for a hook up. The years had worn on her a bit, a few extra pounds, always a great smile and face, just a real bitch…
This single guy found myself half cocked in my bed with Deana between my legs sucking my cock like a vacuum. Believe me, I had nothing in common with her, just a hook up at her insistence. In both our drunken states we talked about ex’s, her ex being a piece of shit for leaving her and so on… The topic of Renee came up (my ex) a few times as they had remained friends over the years. She reminded me of some of her talks with Renee years ago about our divorce and one topic caught my attention. She mentioned how Renee would confide in her about my “fucking fetish” with her short hair, and remembered how she hated it short and hated me for insisting on the shorter styles. Renee hated her hair short and that, among many others, was a contributing factor in our divorce. As I took the opportunity to “shut her up” ramming her throat down on my shaft – something I could never imagined this woman ever doing, just a real goody-goody. She left early the next morning, and the next time I saw her was again at the Place, her with a conservative Bob haircut, now pawing her drunk ass on me like a leach. Another evening, sloppy sex and I took the opportunity to tell her while I slammed her from behind that this “shits gotta go” referring to her kinky, curly hair. And with few hard thrusts she was verbally talking through an intense orgasm, me practically yanking her by the back of her hair – using it as a battering ram to go super deep. To be honest, I wanted to punish the bitch for years of her shit talking…
“I’ll take a shot at going shorter – you make the appointment” she said as we continued – now my cock really getting stiff, this was an opportunity to get her looking right- at least in my eyes!
“So you want to take me to your barber and watch him cut me “boy short?” Maybe I’ll go shorter than Renee, I do remember her telling me she never went “short enough!”
That night we watched dozens of YouTube videos of women getting buzzed both voluntarily an forced. I changed my feelings toward the community cunt a bit that evening, especially as I turned on clips of the powerful Oster 76 clippers shearing women – her picking up on my desires by literally jacking my cock so hard as to move with sound of the machine. We woke the next morning, her first move was to wrap her lips around my cock and attempt to revive my limp dick. She in no way made me horny, she aroused me no way really – until…
“I’m really getting wet thinking about you having my hair cut this morning, I hope you can find a shop open early, I do say, the thought of you being my hair boss is making me quiver… The conversation now had my member erect and hard as a diamond cutter. The thought of seeing Deana Wilcox sitting for a barber, having her hair cut at my insistence was a bit much to bare.
Deana felt my excitement and immediately went for my cock, violently pulling with one hand as she licked her finger and slowly inserted it into my ass.
“Gotcha now big guy” by now the neighborhood bitch had me at her mercy. She jerked, pulled and twisted my cock all while inserting her wet finger deep into my ass. “I know you love this shit, Renee and I had few secrets you know” as she continued to stroke my cock, now so hard it fucking hurt! Her long finger moving in and out of my ass, painful, the more I moaned the deeper she went.
The trip to the old shop near the railroad was eventful in istself. Sitting redneck style in the truck she stroked my cock the entire 30 minute ride.
“Gotta get this big boy good and hard babe” she said as we parked and walked in the shop. Deana was fucking sitting in a barbershop waiting her turn in the chair of all things! She pulled a number from the desk at the front and reminded me to listen for #14. The shop was full and each barber had someone in their chair. As the older barber in the middle chair wrapped up a customer, Deana began to take off her jacket and loosen her collar. She had worn a white, long sleeved high turtle neck to the shop, on that ran high up her neck.
“Love the turtleneck D” I said in a faint whisper. “I don’t want a fucking hair touching the collar babe, tell him to take the neckline up real high”
And in a matter of minutes, #14 was called and Deana walked ever so slowly to the chair, sat, crossing her legs in a elegant, ladylike manner. I watched as the barber pumped the chair, wrapped a solid layer of tissue and tightened the cape. The old guy, in a classic barbers shirt, was all business.
“How short are goin’ young lady” spinning the chair around facing the mirror…
“Whatever the Mr. wants”
And with some simple instructions, “A flattop” I said sitting directly across from the chair. Deana sat stoically, closing her eyes…
“And did you want it real tight” – attempting to comb through some of the curls.
“Yes, real tight, the sides in like a triple 000, top maybe a # 1…
And just as the clippers came to life, Deana asked for a quick second
“Can you take the neckline real high please, like I don’t want it touching my collar here” as she straightened her long tube styled turtleneck.
I watched what was once the queen bitch of our community, with long curly boring ass hair, get literally scalped. Per my instructions, a #1 flattop with a super squared top. She really seemed to enjoy the experience, smiling at me as he ran the clippers up and down her neck. Sides and nape sheared down to the skin, her shiny white scalp glowing from the old bright fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling. Stares from a waiting gentleman and a mother with her 2 sons didn’t faze her whatsoever. Her once thick mop now sat in her lap, eventually falling to the floor joining the the mounds of hair around his feet.
The site of seeing her get literally sheared to the bone made me rock hard. The icing on the cake was a quick glance over in my direction, a wink and the sudden head drop as she prepared for the shortest of all blades, the 000, which removed it all. As for the nape area, the hairline started mid way up the neckline, surely it would be enough to not toch a lick of fabric. The old guy really seemed to enjoy shearing the bitch, maybe her reputation preceded her… The triple 000 blade was pressing hard against her scalp, her head forced down, I could literally see Deana winch as he continued on her nape, the powerful clippers removing everything. A moments reprieve allowed her a for brief second the opportunity to run he palm up her neckline – only a slight grin as she felt the stubble, the only thing left at this point. The TV on the wall reporting the local news and for a second, the “neighborhood know it all” chimed in as usual.. Her conversation with the customer interrupted in an instant as the final blade, the 5 zero was attached.
The loud humming of the clippers together with the sound of the blade attaching was incredible! Topped only by a final shove of the head. chin to chest, as the final few passes up the nape and around the ears left her tight bald. Perhaps the sexiest part was the contrast of color from her tan neckline into the transition to bald as a baby’s ass skin white. It was a look sure to get some attention for sure.
Deana, once the neighborhood “Karen” who thinks her shit doesn’t stink for god’s sake, sat quietly for once in her life, head down, as the powerful clippers removed every inch of femininity from her head. And with a slight turn toward the mirror, Deana caught site of her new haircut.
“Is that going to be short enough young lady?” as the old barber held the mirror for a prolonged back view.
“He’s calling the shots, he probably wants me to go bald, what about it babe – short enough?” as she ran her palm up and down her nape, as if she was putting on a show…
“Wow Looks great” – the only words I could muster…
By now the old dude reached for the hot lather and in true barbershop form, lined around her ears and nape. The straight razor, next, followed by the classic hot towel, talc and to top it off – hair tonic (men’s I presumed) around her ears….The old geiser slowly removed the cape
Deana slowly rose from the chair, all the men in the shop seeming to stare as she walked slowly over to the counter as if she owned the fucking place. Right after paying, she reached over and grabbed a loyalty card, which rewarded her 5th haircut free of charge. She looked back, asked the old barber to punch her card and we walked out. I walked behind intentionally amazed at what had just happened.
“Here, you keep it” she said as she handed me the card. I have a strange feeling I’m going to be in here fairly often,” as she rubbed her nape, smiling and turning her head away revealing her bald neckline.
“You can’t yank on this shit anymore big guy” she said now placing my hand on her silky smooth nape. “It’s all gone”
Later at the wine bar, tipsy, the gal put on quite the show talking loudly, the place was packed and even few times mentioning to patrons at the bar if they liked her cut. Even once as we sat. placing her hand on my cock and pretending to phone the barber for an appointment later in the week!
“Hi there, quick question: what time do you all open during the week, I really need to get in the chair for a haircut before we leave for vacation” she said in a tone that many of the customers could hear, many probably wondering what the fuck- the bitch has no hair.
“Sounds great – both my husband and I need cuts, we’ll be gone for a few weeks! “She knew which buttons to push, no doubt.
We drove into the development, Deana laying sideways across the bench seat of the big F-450 truck – she was literally sucking the blood from my Penis. Me firmly rubbing her bald nape, pressing firmly down forcing her to gasp occasionally for air. As I rubbed her head, my cock continued to harden. 20 years ago I never imagined Deana Wilcox, the neighborhood bitch with big 80’s hair (and tons of it) would be lying across my seat – years later with a mouth full of cock, licking and stroking it with such passion. And to top it off, with a classic Flattop, a style I had longed for on my ex for years. Several times as she lifted for a quick breath she would ask if it was short enough, place my hand on the back of her head and literally yearn for me to press her face onto my cock.
“I fucking hate that stubble back there baby, hope you can keep me clean between cuts” she said – I swear the feeling of having her lips on my rock hard cock, one hand under my ass with a finger slowly sliding in and out of my bottom – her other hand moving my hand up and down her nape, really got me…
Over the next few months, the iconic bitch of the cul-de-sac endured ball gags, foot long vibrators, whips, belts, and just about every way a woman could be abused in bed. One late night even shaving her bald with my own set of clippers, while she used the foil shaver to clean me up as well. She said the occasional pubic hair was distracting at times. She never waivered. Weekly barbershop visits, I sometimes wondered how her head kept from bleeding, as she implored the barbers to leave not a trace of hair on her scalp. Her kinky thick hair proved to be just the right texture for a super tight, bald fade flattop. And I do mean flat and squared as ever. Even once while pounding her from behind I managed to snare a some stubble on her neckline with some tweezers – lying on the nightstand.
“Can’t believe you let this shit get this messy back here D,” I said pinching several times mid nape – as if I were plucking her brows. Drove her batshit crazy! Days later we were at the barber, her instructions now to take her mid bald fade higher and even tighter – as to in no way let me grab at the tiny hairs again! She even purchased a Mac-Daddy foil razor, and often see her in the bathroom keeping her nape silky smooth!
And every Saturday morning, a visit to a local barber for her weekly cleanup. She became real adept at the barbershop lingo as well, often asking for a GI, whitewalls and the horseshoe Flattop on occasion, but always super short. I suppose my favorite was the GI @ Jenkins Barbershop. The shop was equipped with the attached vacuum to the clippers, which reminded me of her getting an induction cut at boot camp! I was amazed at how she carried herself in the community, especially with the shortest of cuts. At times dressing to the max, heels, skin tight pants, high collar shirts, dangling long earrings – and the make up – the one thing the girl could pull off! At other times, jeans, boots, zero make up and a ball cap – in her words “to fit in like one of the guys”