It’s time for the next chapter in the story of our favorite cheerleaders.
As always, here is a link to the previous chapter for those needing a refresher.
Here is the link to the first chapter of this Volume:
Finally, here is the final chapter from Volume one. From there you can find links to all the chapters of Volume one.
So now that you’re all caught up:
August Is The Hottest Month Of The Year
As if Betty and Heather hadn’t already surprised the entire team with their shocking new appearance, with their entrance, it seemed Heather wasn’t done surprising her teammates.
“Well, Heather, that’s certainly great, but August is a pretty specific month. It’s going to have a summer theme. Are you really sure?” Emma, happy to see the newfound confidence in her shorter teammate but also making sure she understood what would be involved and wanting to cut off any tension that may form amongst any of her other teammates.
“Oh, I’m sure.” Heather confidently answered. “And I know what’s involved.” She proudly stood up. “Look at me, do you think, it was an accident I wore this?” Heather reached down and pulled her shorts off; to reveal the tiny loincloth bikini bottom she had on underneath. “All I’ve been hearing from most of you is how ‘hot’ I look, and how I should be showing this body off.” She paused and took a deep breath. She was on a roll and had more to say but it was still a big step for her to actually be saying the words. “I love this team and I love all of you. I want us to do well, and I’ll do anything for this team. If I’m ‘the hottest girl’ I should have the hottest month.” Heather smiled, and looked back at Betty, glad she had gotten through her little speech. Betty winked back and gave her a thumbs up.
There was a long silence as the team let all the words soak in. It was hard to believe this was the same long-haired, shy, meek, covered-up girl that had joined their team just a couple of months ago. The fact is everything she said was true, they were just surprised she said it.
“Woot-Woot. You go girl!” Katie was the first to break the silence. Followed by an eruption of applause from most of the team.
“Ok, then.” Emma tried to take back control. “Just so all is above board. Any objections?”
Before anyone else had a chance to say anything. Anna’s hand shot up. “I just wanted to say, not only do I not object, but if Heather doesn’t get August, I’m out too.” Anna smiled and looked over at Heather.
“Me too!” Janie echoed.
Betty and Katie both looked at each other and smiled before also backing up their young teammate.
Melissa, who looked like she might raise a protest, suddenly backed off, realizing she was fighting a losing battle, and already at odds with the whole hair situation decided she didn’t need to cause more waves.
“Ok, then. I guess we have a calendar to prepare for.” Emma turned towards Jenny. “I guess you got it from here?”
“Alright. I guess everyone submit your month requests to me by tomorrow morning and I’ll work on putting that together. Obviously, Heather’s got August but the rest of the months are available. I’ll try to have it worked out by tomorrow evening and keep your Saturday free. It may be a long day.” Jenny informed the group. “I’ll hang around for a bit and answer any questions but otherwise, we’re done, and everyone is free to go.” She looked over to Emma, who nodded in confirmation.
The team all started to slowly get up and mill about. Shandra and Melissa took off and headed out, many of the others were not as quick to depart and slowly made their way over towards Betty and Heather. Curiosity was getting to them.
Heather quickly made her way over to Emma and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey. What’s up?” She turned around, and noticed it was Heather. “Hey, great speech, and I have to say, I did not think I’d be seeing this again so soon.” Heather blushed. “So, I take it everything is ok?”
“More than ok.” Heather smiled. “I’m sorry for the past few days, but I’m better now, and I’m sorry about your hair. I can take care of that for you if you want.” Heather paused “Or it can wait ‘til the morning after our run.”
“It’s ok” Emma rubbed her head and smiled. “It’s getting quite itchy, and I miss the feeling of the smooth shave, but it can wait until morning.”
“Ok, but Emma, I do have something I need to discuss with you.” Heather looked around and then whispered, “in private.”
“I hope everything is ok.” Emma showed some slight concern. “You can come up to my room in about 20 minutes. Does that work for you?”
“That would be great, see you then.” Heather turned and headed back towards Betty, who had quite the crowd around her and had a huge smile on her face as everyone took turns rubbing their hands across her freshly smooth dome.
It’s Not Pee
Emma was back in her room making some notes and prepping for the upcoming calendar shoot.
There was a knock on the door. “Emma!” shouted the voice from behind the door.
“Come on in, Heather.” Emma had no idea what the young cheerleader needed to discuss, but she was curious to learn more about this new change and attitude she was exhibiting.
Heather, who had put her shorts back on but was still in the same bikini top she had on earlier, opened the door and walked in, carrying a small bag. “Hey, I know you said you were fine waiting until the morning, but I figured I was coming by anyway, so I’d at least bring my stuff with me, and you could decide what you wanted.”
“I’m ok.” Emma began. “But if you want to, I’m not going to turn you down.” Emma rubbed her multi day regrowth. “Man, I will say, though, I never in my wildest dream, could even imagine I would think of this as long.” She sat down on the bed and nodded towards the couch across from her. “Sit first.” Heather put her bag down and sat on the couch next to it. She seemed very comfortable and relaxed but seemed to have something on her mind. “So, what’s up? You seem better. I take it your little funk had something to do with Betty?”
“Yeah. Everything’s all good. We talked it out and we’re better than ever.” Heather grinned. “You know she’s the one that convinced me I should make that speech.”
“I was wondering where that came from. I didn’t know you had it in you.” Emma complimented.
‘Neither did I, honestly.” Heather leaned in, “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course, Heather. Anything you say is safe and stays between these walls.” Emma paused a moment “as long there are no threats to anyone, or crimes being committed.”
“No, no, nothing like that.” Heather assured. “It’s just, well, the calendar. Betty was the one who said I should claim August. She told me what to say. She’s honestly, why I’m wearing this right now.” Heather indicated her outfit. She stopped for a moment and thought. Then added “Although, if I’m being honest, you’ll probably be seeing a lot of this going forward.” She smiled on that last sentence.
“Well, that’s certainly good to hear. So, is Betty added to your daily shave list?” Emma once again rubbed her head and stood up. She headed over towards her chair. “Alright, you’re here, let’s do this. Maybe we’ll skip the morning and then get back on track. Maybe. Can we see how it goes in the morning?” She sat down. “In the meantime. You had something on your mind?”
Heather got up and walked over toward Emma. “Yeah, so remember when I first got all my hair cut off, and then you all came into my room.” She went back to her bag and got out the shaving cream. “I told you how I peed during the haircut, and you all said it wasn’t pee.” She squirted some cream onto her hands and began massaging it into Emma’s head. “Then it happened again the next week, when I completed the shave.”
“Yeah, how is that going. Does that still happen?” Emma’s curiosity was peaked wondering where this was headed.
“Every time.” Heather informed. She wiped her hands clean and grabbed the razor. “It’s not as bad anymore. I don’t know if I’m getting used to it or what, but I always seem to leak a little during a shave. No matter what I try.” She started gently scraping at Emma’s head, removing the cream and taking any hair that had grown with it. “So, I’ve kind of gotten used to it, I guess it’s not a big deal. It’s the only time it happens.” Heather stopped for a minute, pausing for effect. “Or at least it was.”
Emma looked up at Heather and looking up at Heather was not easy to do. You basically had to be sitting and have her stand directly over you, but that happened to be the situation at present. “Is everything ok? Did something happen with Betty?”
“You could say that.” Heather confessed. “Everything started off ok. I used my clippers and buzzed her hair down. It was not that different from how your hair was a few minutes ago, or when Katie first cut it all off.” Heather picked up the razor and continued stroking Emma’s head. “Betty told me I had full permission to do whatever to her head. I think she felt bad about stringing me along and wanted to prove she was committed to her promise.” Heather had gotten quite good at shaving heads and worked fast. She was only a few swipes away from her first full pass over Emma’s head. “So, I proceeded to get the shaving cream out and lathered her head. As I have done many times before with you, and most recently Shandra.” She put the razor down. “Do you want another pass or save it for the morning?”
Emma reached up and felt her once again smooth head. “I’m fine waiting, but no objections if you want to go again.” She smiled. “You’re so good at this, Heather. You can shave my head any time.”
“Thank You. I’m glad you think so. I enjoy doing it.” Heather reached for the shaving cream again and started rubbing it together on her hands. “Much more than I thought possible.” She began applying the cream over Emma’s head again. “So, I was doing this same thing with Betty, and I froze. I felt myself leaking uncontrollably. A lot. Even more than the first time and it was paralyzing. I didn’t understand. It was no different than anything I do with you, or with Shandra. But with Betty – I don’t know what happened. It was such a struggle to even finish. I – I” Heather trailed off.
“Heather, do you like Betty?” Emma inquired.
“Of course, I like Betty. I like you and Katie, and all my teammates. Even Shandra has her moments.” Heather answered innocently.
“No, that’s not what I mean.” Emma tried to find the right words. “Do you like like her? As more than just a friend.”
“What do you mean?” Heather was genuinely confused and had stopped shaving Emma, while trying to understand.
“Would you like to have a more personal relationship with Betty?” Emma was sure Heather wouldn’t get it but was also trying to find a delicate way of broaching the topic.
“Betty and I have gotten close. She’s probably my best friend on the team.” Heather still wasn’t getting it or refusing to do so.
“Are you attracted to Betty?” Emma just blurted out trying to get to the point.
“Like…” Heather was really trying to understand, then seemingly something clicked. “Are you asking if I’m gay?” she asked surprised.
“I’m not asking, and I’m not saying you are. I’m just hypothesizing.” Emma explained. “If you may permit me to speak freely…” treading carefully as she didn’t want to scare the co-ed away.
“Go ahead.” Heather put the razor down and sat back down on the couch, while Emma spun around in her chair to face Heather.
Emma took a deep breath. “Ok, so know I love you and you have huge support on this team. Also trust you’re not alone.”
“Emma, you’re scaring me.” Heather replied.
“I think you might have a hair fetish.” Emma started. “It’s ok, I have one too. I didn’t actually know I had one until recently. In fact,” Emma rubbed her head with one hand and put her other hand on Heather’s shoulder, “It wasn’t until our little vacation, when you shaved my head that first time, that I actually discovered it.” Emma sat back and smiled. “There’s a reason I always like having you do it after our run and why I’m so quick to hop in the shower after.”
Heather gasped. “Are- Are- Are you?” She stuttered trying to get the words out.
“Right now? Yes.” Emma confirmed. “And will I be hitting the shower the instant you leave? Also, yes.” Heather recoiled, unsure how to react, but also wanting to hear more. “Now, Heather, you told me a secret before that you didn’t want me to share with the rest of the team. You’re the only one who knows this about me. So can I trust you?”
“Um, I guess.” Heather said softly. “I mean, YES, absolutely you can.” Suddenly looking up confidently. “So, does that mean I’m gay? Are you gay to?” Heather asked innocently enough.
Emma couldn’t help but laugh. “No, nothing like that.” Oh, to be that innocent. “The two are completely independent of each other and have nothing to do with the other.” Emma let out a deep sigh, “But Heather, how do you feel about Betty. How do you feel when you’re around her?”
“Oh, she’s just the best.” Heather gushed. “She’s been super helpful, and I love spending time with her.” She got soft “I think that’s what made the past few days so hard. I was depressed and thought she didn’t like me. She helped me get through the toughest time in my life.” She stopped and stood up. “She’s probably responsible for at least 90% of this.” She swiped her hands up and down her body.
“Well, I’m no expert, but it sounds like you may have feelings for her, and by that, I mean romantic feelings.” Emma smiled. “But Betty’s great and you could do a lot worse. I just don’t know if she feels the same and don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I don’t want to lose Betty as a friend.” Heather admitted.
“Well, I think you’ll be ok, and I’m here any time you want to talk. In fact, we have our own private time every morning.” Emma said. “Which will be here before you know it.” letting out a yawn, “So, if you’re good, I’m going to go finish my business and get ready for bed. I’ll see you early in the morning?”
“Finish your business?” Heather asked before it clicked “Oh, right. Yeah, ok. Thanks for the talk, Emma, you’ve been a big help. Sorry to keep you.” Heather gathered her things and headed towards the door.
“Not a problem. I’m here any time and Thank You” Emma rubbed her head “For this.” Emma got up and followed Heather to the door and closed it behind her. She stood against the door for a minute, let out a deep breath and then quickly headed for the shower.
Where There’s A Will There’s A Wig.
The crowd in the living room finally dispersed and it was just Betty and Katie left. They were sitting on the couch having a very animated conversation and finally alone to discuss all the juicy details.
“Wow” I can’t believe you’re actually BALD Betty.” Katie exclaimed. “Like really truly Bald, and by choice this time.”
Betty chuckled “Yeah, I guess.” She glided her hand over her head. “I can’t believe it either, honestly. I have to admit, it’s not nearly as bad as I thought.”
“So, you like it then.” Katie got giddy.
Betty paused, thinking carefully. “I don’t dislike it.”
“Hey, I’ll take it.” Katie reached over towards Betty’s head and rubbed gently.
“Heather is gentle.” Betty remarked. “I know you have Evan, but Heather really knows what she’s doing.” Purring softly as Katie continued to guide her hand over Betty’s head.
“I’m glad to hear that. You know I was starting to get worried. I know how much you’ve been struggling with your hair lately.” Katie started. “I also know you promised Heather she could shave you. So, when you started liking your hair, I got concerned and then seeing Heather the past few days I was hoping I wouldn’t need to step in.”
“Yeah, well, Emma took care of that for you.” Betty answered. “Honestly, Katie, I was really unsure. I almost didn’t do it. I didn’t want to. The last month and a half has been pure hell. I mean overall, life’s been good, and I can’t really complain, except for my hair that is.” Betty sighed. “Ultimately, though I couldn’t do that to Heather. I would have been just as bad as Shandra. Worse probably.”
“It got pretty bad.” Katie confirmed.
“I know, and my hair is a small price to pay. It’s my own fault really. I shouldn’t have waited so long.” Betty rubbed her head again, now that Katie had stopped. “Grrrr, I just can’t stop touching my head!”
Katie giggled. “Yeah, we’ve all been there.”
“It’s annoying though.” Betty gritted. “Not in a bad way, just –” Katie nodded in understanding “On top of that, now we have that stupid calendar shoot. I wasn’t expecting it so soon.”
“Oh, it’s not stupid. I’m looking forward to it, and hey, you voted for it.” Katie pointed out.
“Of course I voted for it. I’m not against it, and I didn’t want to be the reason for it not happening. I just wish it wasn’t this weekend.”
“You’ll be fine.” Katie consoled.
“I know.” Betty conceded. “Heather wants me to take her shopping again. She said she wants to give it another go, now that she’s fully embraced her new look. So, while she’s shopping, I’m going to get myself some wigs.”
“So, you’re keeping it shaved, then?” Katie eagerly asked.
“I don’t know. Probably not, I’d like some hair, I think.” Betty paused and noticed Katie’s dejected face. “Although, I suppose this could be a fallback option.” Katie smiled. “God, why is everyone so obsessed with my hair!” Betty almost wanted to burst out in tears. “What happened to free will and everyone getting to do as they wished?”
“We do.” Katie consoled “Hey, you do you. You don’t have to shave it. You did it once and now no one can ever say you didn’t do it. I’m sure Heather will understand.”
“You really think it looks that good?” Betty inquired.
“Hey, it’s been almost a year since I first did this.” Katie pointed to her own mohawk. “I may have this long tuft of hair going across the top of my head, but the sides and most of the top have been consistently shaved for most of that time.”
“Ok, I guess I can put it like this. I doubt I’ll keep it this way, but I supposed I wouldn’t be opposed to revisiting it from time to time.” Betty laughed. “Especially, if I grow my wig collection.”
About Last Night…
There was a knock on Emma’s door. It was 5am and she was barely awake. It had to be Heather. She was early. Emma rustled herself from bed and groggily shuffled over to the door. She opened the door a crack. Sure enough Heather was standing there with a giant smile on her face. She was wearing a bright red Sports bra and matching bike shorts and a bandana tied around her shaven head. She also seemed to have way too much energy for such an early time of day.
“Hi, Emma!” Heather began “I’m so excited for our run. I know I’m a little early, but I just couldn’t sleep last night. Finally, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I hope it’s ok. I hope you’re not mad.”
“It’s fine, Heather.” Emma, leaning against the door, fought back a yawn. “I’m glad you’re excited. Just give me fifteen minutes to get changed and wake up a little?” Emma yawned again and shook her head.
“Ok, sounds good. I’ll meet you downstairs.” Heather replied.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.” Emma confirmed as she closed the door and Heather started to head down the stairs.
Fifteen minutes later Emma followed her down, dressed in a light blue Razorback Sports bra and Black yoga shorts. She tied off her own bandana as she met Heather by the front door. Heather opened the door as they headed out. As Emma headed down the steps, she looked at her watch and checked her pulse. Heather and Emma both looked at each other and took off.
After a few miles of back and forth, the bald co-eds headed back up the path to the house. With one final push Heather took off and raced up the steps to the door. She turned around and raised her hands in the air as Emma hit the steps and followed her up. “Hey, slow poke. What took so long?” Heather laughed as she poked her captain.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Emma panted. “Ok, no holding back from me anymore.”
“This was you holding back? I’m not even winded.” She smiled. “You want me to do your head?” Nodding towards her. “I know it wasn’t that long ago and you don’t really need it.” After a pause “I also know how much you enjoy it.”
“This is true.” Emma agreed as they entered the house. “I’m sure you won’t mind. Was there more you wanted to talk about?”
“I’ll never turn down the opportunity. Let me just go get my stuff.” Heather started for the stairs. “Five minutes in you room?”
“I’ll be there.” Emma confirmed as she headed towards the kitchen to get some juice and recharge her electrolytes as Heather continued upstairs toward her room. Then she took her drink and retreated into her room to wait for Heather.
A few minutes later Heather walked into Emma’s room and put her bag down on the couch. Emma headed to her chair and sat down. It was a familiar routine at this point.
As Heather began to lather her hands and transfer it onto Emma’s head, she paused for a moment as if contemplating. “Would you like me to slow this down a bit?” Remembering what she learned last night, Heather wanted Emma to get as much out of it as possible. “I can massage your scalp a bit more and take a longer time on the shave.”
“It’s ok, Heather. You do a great job already. You don’t have to change a thing.” Emma affirmed.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” Heather gave a little extra massage on Emma’s head anyway as she began to spread the cream on her head. “Oh, and if you feel any urges or anything, don’t feel you need to hold back on my account.”
“Wow, Heather.” Emma declared. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this from you.”
“Yeah, I know.” Heather cleaned off her hands and picked up the razor. “Honestly, I think you might be right.” Heather started scraping at Emma head. “As much as I might not want to admit it. It’s all so new though and I have a lot to learn.”
“Oh, I see.” Emma grinned, “So, are you looking for me to…?”
“Um, oh, no, nothing like that, but” Heather began slightly embarrassed.
“It’s ok.” Emma chuckled. “It’s just. It tends to be a private thing.”
“Oh, ok.” Heather said softly. She continued to pass the razor over Emma’s head, trying to finish up as quickly as she could. “Well, we’re just about done. I think one pass is good enough for today. We did just do it last night.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Emma realized, hoping she hadn’t upset her teammate.
Heather finished up Emma’s head, packed up her equipment and left. Emma was left alone with her thoughts and quickly headed to the shower.
Let’s Go Shopping… Again
Betty got back from a mid-afternoon class and Heather was waiting for her. “Hey, can we go shopping now?”
“Hey kiddo. My, my aren’t you the eager beaver.” Betty greeted her friend. “Yes, yes, we can go just give me a few minutes to change and unwind.” It had been an interesting day on campus. Betty had drawn quite a crowd. Betty decided to go all in and drew attention to her head. While her previous haircut was not something she chose and came off of a negative experience, this was all positive and she knew going in exactly what she was in for. She liked how she looked and didn’t feel a need to hide.
“Sorry, I’m just excited. I’ve been waiting for this all day.” Heather smiled. “I promise I’ll do much better this time.”
“Oh, you did fine, but I understand your sentiment.” Betty responded, looking her over. “There’s certainly no need for any adjustment to your outfit this time.” Heather was in an Emerald Green sparkling Crop Tank top and black mini skirt. This was an outfit Heather would not have even looked at on their first shopping trip just over a month ago. Betty headed up to her room to drop off her stuff and got ready to go out again.
A few moments later Betty emerged from her room and headed down the stairs. Encouraged by her young friend, Betty matched her look in a similar fashion. Meeting Heather, the two headed out of the house and towards Betty’s Jeep. This time the drive to the Boutique was very different than the first time around.
“Ok, kiddo. So, what are we looking for this time?” Betty asked after a few minutes in the car.
Heather smirked. “Well, all those clothes you found for me last time, that you thought were a push, but made me get anyway? That’s our starting point.” Heather laughed “Yeah, I know, but I actually feel somewhat limited in what I have. I’m sorry, Betty. I know you just got me a ton of new clothes and I feel horrible asking for more, but I’m really ready to push myself and I’ve never felt better.” She reached up and stroked her head. “To think it all started with a haircut.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Betty mindlessly brushed her own bald head. “Thank You for the encouragement to do this. I was really freaking out about it, but I’m glad I did. I don’t know that it’s staying this way, but at least I can say I’ve done it.” She turned and faced Heather and smiled “and don’t worry about the clothes. I’m just thrilled you’ve gotten so into it, and you’re free to get whatever you want, as much as you want.”
“Betty, I’m so happy you went through with it, and this bald head suits you so well.” Heather complimented Betty. “I really hope you keep it up. I know, I’m definitely keeping mine, like this.” She looked over at Betty and smiled, “If you do to, then we’ll really be hair buddies, and I’ll shave it for you any time you want, whenever you want, no matter what.” Heather knew what she was saying and the reaction it may cause her, but it would be worth it.
“OK, kiddo, I appreciate that. I really don’t know what I want to do. I know it seems I’m always so indecisive about my hair, but that’s only because it’s still so new and the first time I’ve ever had any kind of major change to it in my life. It is an entirely positive indecisiveness this time around, I promise and whatever I do decide, I hope you’ll be the one to do it.” Betty glanced over to Heather who was all smiles. “Even if it’s not shaves.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you looking good no matter what it is. I’m so honored.” Heather was giddy and she had butterflies in her stomach. One way or another she’d figure out what was going on with her. “So, does that mean you don’t want to shave it again?”
“No, not at all.” Betty stroked her head “Honestly, I was expecting this to be one and done, but it’s been growing on me, no pun intended, and It’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting.” Betty explained “Today went well and I felt confident walking around campus. Something that’s been absent the past few months. I can almost guarantee you; you’ll get to do this again.” Heather grimed and got really excited. “Just probably not all the time, every day.”
“That’s OK. I’m just really happy to hear you like it and that you’ll revisit it again at some point.” Heather responded.
“Yeah, kiddo. Definitely, but to be honest, I really was loving my hair right before you shaved it. I’d probably like to get back to that at some point. I just have to figure out how to deal with the in-between.” Betty confessed.
As they drove up to the Boutique and parked, Heather jumped out of the Jeep and skipped to the store like a kid in a candy store. As they entered the store Heather turned towards Betty. “Ok, where’s the dental floss?”
“What’s that?” Betty bemused, then laughed, “Oh, right, follow me.” Betty led Heather towards one end of the store, where there were racks of all different kinds of bikinis and other swimwear available. “I think this is what you’re looking for.”
“Perfect” Heather giggled as she started browsing the ample selection. “Bet you never thought I’d be so eager to go through this.”
“I was hoping, maybe someday.” Betty countered “But, no, probably not this quickly.”
“There’s so many options.” Heather exclaimed wide month. “It’s almost overwhelming.”
“Well, have fun with it and pick out as many as you want, but be reasonable.” Betty warned. “Also, there are more racks over there.” She pointed to several more racks of clothing. “Have fun, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“You’re leaving?” Heather pouted.
“Just for a short time.” Betty confirmed. “You’ll be fine. I just need to go get my wig.”
“Wig?” Heather questioned “What do you need a wig for? I thought you liked your hair.” She paused “Or lack thereof.”
“Oh, I do, and I have no issues going out bare and showing this dome off.” Betty admitted. “I did before, but not now, and I promise, I’m very content. It’s for the calendar. I just don’t want to be bald for the shoot. So, I’m going to go get a wig for the shoot.”
“Oh, ok.” Heather turned towards the rack of bikinis and started looking at them curiously.
“Hey, I promise, I’ll never wear the wig when we’re together or around the house or any cheer activity. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll even wear it at all much around campus. It will just be for a few rare occasions when I want something different.” Betty assured. “Truth is, I’ve had my hair the same for my entire life. When I cut that strand off a month and a half ago, leading to Katie cutting the rest off, that was the first time in my entire life I’d ever done anything different with my hair. I’m sure you can relate.” Heather nodded. “I’m trying to embrace this and stay positive. So, if the wigs help me and if anything will probably help to encourage me to keep it short and even shaved is that really a bad thing?”
“Well, I guess when you put it that way.” Heather smiled. “Ok, go ahead. I’ll be fine.”
Betty turned and headed out the door. Heather went rack to rack and was amazed by all the options. She was having much more fun this time around.
Three Months Start With J. Three Cheerleaders Start With J. Coincidence?
Emma gathered at the kitchen table with Jenny and Jessie. They had a small box with them and a handful of papers. Their goal was to assign the Calendar months to the team with as little friction as possible.
“Ok, well, let’s just start and see how many months have no conflict.” Jenny began “Are there any that are easy?”
“I filled out a paper, but to make things easier, I’ll take any month that goes unclaimed.” Jessie answered.
“Yeah, I didn’t even bother to fill out a paper, knowing I’d just step in for wherever I was needed.” Jenny agreed.
“I would prefer something from the first half of the year, while I’m still a student, but otherwise I feel the same.” Emma chimed in.
“Ok, well, let’s start with what we know.” Jenny began.
“Heather has August.” Jessie said, writing down her notes on a pad in front of her, shaking her head. “Never saw that coming.”
“To think, I was trying to ‘protect her’ and give her an option to cover up a bit more.” Jenny amused.
“I guess you haven’t met the new Heather, then.” Emma announced. “You might end up with December.”
“So be it. I can be a sexy Mrs. Claus.” Jenny responded seductively.
“Hey, here’s something.” Jessie said, opening one of the pieces of paper. “July or July. I wanted August but since that’s been given to Heather, I’ll take July. I already have an American flag bikini to go with the Patriotic theme.” Jessie looked up. “It’s Melissa’s.”
“I think we should give it to her.” Emma pleaded. “She’s been through a lot already and I know there’s been some tension going on, this may be a peace keeping move, but I’m in favor of it.”
“Ok, we can put her down tentatively and go through everyone else. Hopefully no other issues come up and we’ll have no issues.” Jenny declared as she nodded to Jessie, who wrote it down. “Who’s next?”
“I’ll take any month. I’m just excited to participate.” Jessie read from the next piece of paper. “Janie”
“Bless her.” Emma said. ‘She really is an amazing girl, and so gung-ho for everything.”
“That’s amazing. Put her aside and we’ll come back to her.” Jenny said. “I would like to reward her with something special though, if we can.”
The girls continued working through the papers and assigning the months. It ended up working out better than expected. While there were a few overlaps, they were able to work out most of the calendar without any major issues arising.
I Like Dental Floss
Heather was going through the racks having a blast. While her previous experience had been intimidating and overwhelming, this was the total opposite. She tried her best but really struggled to find clothes that would fit with her new image. This was much more fun. Now, she was picking out clothes that even Betty wouldn’t have dreamed of last time, and she couldn’t wait to show Betty.
“Hey, kiddo. How’s it going?” Heather smiled, recognizing the voice behind her.
“Amazing!” Heather was giddy as she turned to find the person behind the familiar voice. “Betty, I’m so glad you’re back. I have so much to show you!”
“Ok, kiddo.” Betty grinned at her eager friend. “I can’t wait to see it.” She chuckled “I’m glad you’re having fun.”
“So Much!” Heather grabbed Betty’s hand and pulled her along. “There’s things here you never even showed me.” Heather reached out to a shelf filled with multiple micro bandeau tops in various colors. ‘Look at this!” She picked a solid light blue one up.
“Oh, I saw them.” Betty smirked. “I just wasn’t sure you’d go for it. I thought I was already pushing it with that String Bikini, I barely got you to try on.”
Heather blushed. “The dental floss? Yeah. My mistake.” Heather looked up into Betty’s eyes, “I liked it though. I think you’ll be seeing a lot more going forward.” She picked up another bandeau top. “I really like this. I can’t believe this is clothing.”
“So, I take it you want a couple of these?” Betty asked.
“A couple? I want one in every color!” Heather confirmed enthusiastically, then continued softly. “As long as that’s ok.”
“Whatever you want, kiddo.” Betty assured. “Who am I to discourage you.” She paused. “As long as you’re sure this is what you really want. We can’t keep doing these huge shopping trips every month. As much as I’d love to.”
“Oh, Ok.” Heather sounded slightly dejected. “I understand.” She looked up, “But I promise this is really what I want, and I’ll wear these clothes ALL the time.” She smiled “This is me now and I love it.” She reached up to offer Betty a hug. “Thank You so much, for helping to bring this out of me.”
“No Problem, kiddo.” Betty smiled back. “I’m just glad you’re happy.”