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The Start of Something New: Volume II Chapter 9 — The Revelation

By wozziewoo

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Here’s the next chapter in the ongoing adventures of our favorite cheerleaders.  Up next we have a special installment focused on our original players, Katie and Evan.  Evan has a special treat for Katie.

 As always, you can find the links to previous chapters below.

 If you missed the last installment, here’s the link:

 If you’re new or otherwise need a refresher, this is the first installment of the Volume:

The Start of Something New: Volume II Chapter 1 — New Beginnings

  Finally, if you wish to catch the story from the very beginning, this link will take you to the end of Volume I.  From there please find links to all previous stories:

The Start of Something New: Mission Accomplished

 *******               For anyone that wishes to discuss any aspect of this story further or talk anything hair, please feel free to message me.  I’m always willing to chat and love corresponding with people.               *******

 When you’re good to go, proceed:


The Pickup

After a few minutes, Evan rang the bell again.  This time it opened almost immediately.  Betty greeted Evan as the door opened.  “Hey Evan.  Where’s Heather?”  Betty looked around.  “She didn’t come back with you?”

“She did.”  Evan stepped inside the house.  “She ran ahead.  It felt wrong to just walk in on my own.  Plus, as I’m here to pick up Katie, it wouldn’t be proper.”

“It’s probably just as well.”  Betty smiled.  “I know she wants to make an entrance.”  Betty turned towards the stairs “HE’S HERE!” she shouted up.

“Betty, I really don’t think –” Evan stopped as he looked up and saw Katie descend the staircase.  Katie was wearing a red sparkling floor length gown, with a giant slit that went halfway up her thigh and a plunge that fell to the middle of her chest.  She had on matching high heels and dangling earrings.  Her mohawk still bright red, fanned out and teased extra high.  “Babe, it’s just a casual, night.  Nothing Fancy.”

“You, don’t like it?”  Katie stopped feeling dejected.

“It’s not that.  Not at all.  You look amazing.  Seriously, I’m so lucky to have you.  I love you.  I love everything about you.  But, again, I didn’t have anything special planned to warrant such an outfit.”  Evan explained.

“I know, but I found this dress in the closet.  I have this amazing red hair.  I’ve always wanted my hair this color and it matches the dress perfectly.  I’ll be shaving it all off soon, so I wanted to take the opportunity while I still could.”  Katie justified.

“Well, how can I say anything against that.”  Evan grinned as he stretched out his arm, which Katie happily took.  They interlocked arms and headed out the door and down the steps.  When they got to Evan’s car, he opened the passenger door and let Katie in and then went around to the driver’s side, got in and they drove off.


The Terms Are Set

Emma was in the kitchen preparing her dinner.  Anna and Janie were seated at the table.  They had been deep in conversation and the discussion was winding down.

“It sounds good.”  Emma assured.  “Just make sure everyone is on board and is clear.”

“We’re both prepared to go the distance.”  Anna said.  “Katie’s done it; I mentioned it in passing.  I don’t think she’d have an issue.  Plus, there’s always the Evan factor.”

“Ok, well, that’s great to hear.”  Emma rubbed her own head.  “Just double check.  Also, make sure you discuss it with Annie.” She cautioned.  I know she’s interested and willing, but maybe not quite as gung-ho as you two are.”

“I know, I’ll talk with her later and gauge how she feels.  I think it will be ok, but if she has any issues, we’ll work something out.” Anna confirmed.  “Plus, I need to get her on my accounts so we can start promoting her.”

“Just make sure everyone knows what’s going on.”  Emma repeated.  “That includes all your followers.”

“I’ll make a few videos and outline all the information.”  Anna agreed.  “Don’t worry Emma, I’ve got this, and I’ll make sure it’s all laid out.”

“Don’t forget to check with Heather, also.”

“Anna and I will tag team her.”  Janie chimed in.

“Plus, I want to get her on my Socials more anyway.  She’ll blow up.”  Anna added.

“Just don’t pressure her.”  Emma chided “You know how she can get.”

“We won’t” Anna assured Emma, as she and Janie both got up to leave.


Date Night

Katie and Evan were out at a fancy restaurant.  They were quite the site, as Katie was all dressed up looking very formal, but with a shocking bright red mohawk, while Evan was looking sharp but much more casual.  Neither of them seemed to care much, they were both focused on each other and deep in conversation.

“Heather has been a revelation.”  Evan stated.  “She’s attentive, enthusiastic, and very talented.  She has an amazing eye.”

“I never would have expected it from her.”  Katie said.  “You know, when the school year started and there were still so many on the team with their hair long, I never would have guessed things going this way.  I mean Janie was easy, I barely even had to try and hers happened so quick as well.  I figured Heather would take some work and time.  Honestly, I never would have expected her to shave her head, let along taking on such an interest, in general.”

“Well, I’ve got a bit of a surprise for you.”  Evan teased.  “A present, if you will.”

“Oh, Evan.  You don’t have to get me anything.  Just being with you, is enough.”  Katie replied.

“Well, it’s nothing physical, but something I think you’ll greatly enjoy.”

“I am certainly intrigued.”

“After dinner, we’ll go back to my place and relax, and you’ll get to enjoy it.”

“Then let’s hurry up and finish eating.  I can’t wait to see what you have in store.”

They quickly finished their meal and headed back to Evan’s place.  Evan told Katie to get comfortable on the couch and he would be right there to join her.  A moment later, Evan joined Katie on the couch, with a bottle of wine & two glasses, and turned the TV on.

“I know how much you enjoyed watching your team transform and you were there for every single one of them.”  Evan began.  “Your teammate was there in your place for another amazing transformation, that I know you heard about.”

“NICOLE!!!”  Katie got excited and wide mouth at the thought as she turned and faced Evan who nodded in agreement.  “Oh, Evan!  I’ve heard about her.  I was so disappointed to miss it.”

“I know and you definitely would have enjoyed this one.”  Evan admitted.  “So, I filmed it for you.”  Evan smiled as he turned back towards the TV and was about to hit play on the remote.

“You did!” Katie exclaimed.  “That’s so great, oh I can’t wait to see it.”  She paused for a moment and looked down at herself and what she was wearing.  “Wait, I need to change.”  She stood up.  “I love this dress, but I need to get a bit more comfortable to fully appreciate this.”  She started to dash towards the bedroom.  “Be right back!” she shouted.

A few minutes later Katie emerged from Evan’s bedroom, in one of his sweatshirts and a pair of shorts.  “There, that’s much better” she remarked as she plopped back down on the couch.  Noting the glass of wine on the table, which Evan had poured, she picked it up as she sat with her back against the arm of the couch and laid her feet on Evan’s lap.

Evan looked over at his beautiful girlfriend and smiled.  He picked up the remote and hit play.  Then put the remote down and began massaging Katie’s feet.

“Oh, Evan, you always know just what I want.”  She turned to face the television and took a sip of wine.  On the screen was a very familiar site; the private room of Evan’s salon where she had spent so much of her free time over the past eleven-ish months.  It was empty.

“Now, the only bad part is, there is no audio.”  Evan admitted.  “I’ll do my best to fill in, but I know you’re most interested in the visuals.”

“Thanks Evan.  This is already better and more than I was expecting.  So, I’ll take and enjoy whatever I can.”  Katie replied.

The door to Evan’s room opened.  Evan entered the room, followed by Nicole and then Heather.  Heather headed back towards the couch while Evan nodded towards the chair, which Nicole went over to and sat down.  Evan closed the door behind them.  Evan walked over to Nicole, and they started talking.  Nicole was very animated and used her hands a lot.  Heather leaned forward on the couch soaking it all in.  It didn’t look like she was saying much but was very involved.

“You know Nicole and I had been talking about this for a while.”  Evan explained.  “I’ve been doing her sister’s hair for a while.  It took a lot of convincing, but she finally decided she was ready.  So, this was a big day.  I wasn’t sure how the day was going to go but this is basically just us confirming the plan.”  Katie listened intently, hanging on to every word.  “So, she was totally ready, and she was telling me the story of how she finally decided on going for it.  Babe, when I say she had ZERO doubt, I mean ZERO.  Basically, if I didn’t do this for her, she would have found a way to do it herself.  It wouldn’t have been hard, because as you can see Heather is listening very intently and ready to help out any way she could.”

After a few minutes, Evan walked over to the mirror and placed a big sheet over it.  Heather got up and tried to help, but her short stature made it difficult, still the two managed.

Katie turned towards Evan.

“We discussed if she wanted to watch.  She did, but she also liked the idea of being the image she’d known her whole life and then becoming someone else.  She was willing to keep her eyes closed, but as insurance and because I wanted more precision and not having her eyes squished the whole time, we decided this was the best option.  Heather did her best, but I’m not sure how much she actually helped.  At least with this part.”

Nicole reached up and pulled the hair tie out of her hair and let her golden locks cascade around her one final time.  Heather looked on and talked to Nicole.  She rubbed her own head.  Nicole reached over and rubbed Heather’s head as well.  Nicole scratched her head and helped the hair settle down her back.

“Now two things of note, here.  The mirror was already covered when she did this.  She never got that finally look with her hair down.”  Evan explained.  “I asked her about this, and she said she was fine, and it was intentional.  She had already taken that final look earlier in the day and was ready to part with it.  She intentionally wore the ponytail the way she did specifically for that reason.”

“Wow, Evan, you really prepared her.”  Katie praised, taking another sip of wine.

“I wish I could take all the credit.  Sure, I planted the seed a while ago and we had discussed it intently, but this last part wasn’t my doing.”

“So, what was the other note?”  Katie asked.

“Heather and Nicole really started forming a bond.  Heather was extremely outgoing, and Nicole took a very quick liking to her.”  Evan continued.  “Nicole was sold, and she was going short no matter what, but having Heather around definitely was a positive.”

“I can’t wait to see how it turns out.  She’s gorgeous.”  Katie announced.

Evan walked back towards Nicole and started brushing out Nicole’s hair.  It was smooth and the brush glided through her hair.  After a couple of minutes, Evan began the sectioning process.  Heather stood next to him and held rubber bands as Evan grabbed a section of Nicole’s hair and pulled it into a ponytail, with the tie right around Nicole’s jaw.  He then continued with the next section of hair and did the same thing.  This continued as he made his way across Nicole’s head, leaving a dozen small ponytails in his wake.

“Wow, Babe!” Katie exclaimed.  “That’s a lot.”

“She was going quite short.  We both, all of us, really, decided to cut as much as possible.”  Evan grinned “Plus, I figured you’d like the longer wig.”  He winked at Katie.

“Oh, Wow.”  Katie squealed.  “You know me so well.”  She turned back towards the TV.

Once all the ponytails were tied, Evan stood back.  He then walked over to the counter to get his scissors.  Heather made a comment, and they all laughed.  As Evan stood behind Nicole, with scissors in hand.  Nicole turned and said something to Evan.  He put his hand on her shoulder, while Heather came over and stood next to her.  Evan lifted his scissors and snipped away the first ponytail.

“Nicole was awesome.  She showed no fear and was so ready for this.”  Evan started.  “Heather asked if she needed her hand held.  Nicole thanked her for the offer but said she was super prepared and excited and ready for her new hair.  She did say I should let Heather cut a few of the ponytails off.  In fact, she downright demanded it.”  He paused.  “I was going to anyway, but it was nice that she was so into it.”

Evan continued to snip off the tiny ponytails and handed the cut hair to Heather.  After a few more snips, they traded spots, and Evan handed the scissors to Heather.  Heather then slowly brought them up to the ties.

“She seemed so nervous.  Both Nicole and I assured her she couldn’t screw up.”  Evan cut in.

Heather snipped the next ponytail and handed it to Evan.  Then she snipped the next one.  She continued the process as long as there were ponytails to snip.

“She wasn’t supposed to cut them all, but she got really into it and Nicole seemed to be enjoying herself. So, I let it go.”  Evan said.

As Heather snipped off the final ponytail.  Nicole shook her head.  Her hair swooshed around.  She brought her hands up in front of her mouth and kicked her feet back and forth in sheer delight.  She turned her head back and forth as her hair swished around.  Evan took all the cut hair and piled it on the counter in front of the mirror.  Nicoles eyes got wide as she said something and Evan and Heather both nodded.  After another minute Nicole settled down so they could continue.  Evan walked behind Nicole and began combing out her hair, parting it all to one side.  He took that hair and used clips to tie it on top of her head.  He then took out his clippers and put an attachment on them.

Katie took a quick glance over at Evan, who held up three fingers.  “Wow!” she said as she took another sip of wine.  He nodded in agreement.

Evan took the clippers and placed them at the bottom of Nicole’s neck.  He slowly and carefully ran the clippers up her neck.  A small pile of hair tumbled down in its wake.  He then placed the clippers again, next to the path he had just created and did it again.  He continued this process, moving around her head, as more and more hair fell around her.  After a few more passes, he called Heather over and with his guidance she proceeded to do the same.  Nicole sat there in stoic silence not wanting to move for fear of causing one of them to mess up.

“Heather was really careful to follow my exact guideline.  Nicole helped by saying if she messed up, it would be ok, she’d just buzz it all off.  I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not.”  Evan interjected.

“I’m surprised you didn’t screw up on purpose.”  Katie joked.

“It wouldn’t have been a good look for me.  It took a lot of time and convincing on my part to get Nicole to go for this.  Plus, I’m supposed to be training Heather, it wouldn’t have done any good to screw up her confidence.”  Evan defended.

“Oh, babe.  Always so thoughtful and thinking long term.”  Katie complimented.

Evan and Heather made their way around Nicole’s head until her entire head was buzzed down.  Evan then proceeded to release the tied-up hair from the clips on top of Nicole’s head.  He carefully combed it down and then snipped the hair off so that it fell to the middle of Nicole’s ear.  Evan then walked away and began mixing things in a small bowl.

“Nicole had virgin hair and had never done anything with it before.”  Evan began.  “She STILL had virgin hair up to this point.  Albeit much, much shorter.  She knew she was getting some color added.  She just didn’t want anything natural and said if we were doing this ‘go nuts’ and do something wild.  I happily obliged.”

Evan came back and started applying the solution to Nicole’s hair.  Heather and Nicole were deep in conversation.  Once Evan was finished, he stepped back and they all waited.  Heather and Nicole continued to talk with Evan chiming in every so often.

“I think having Heather there turned out very well.  Nicole was ready for this transformation, and we would have gone through with it regardless but seeing Heather and her shaved head was kind of inspiring to Nicole.  I think it gave her another level of confidence that she might not have otherwise had.  The two of them very quickly bonded.”  Evan informed Katie.

“I’m really impressed by Heather.  She’s really changed ever since her haircut.”  Katie began.  “And it’s all positive.”

“She has so much potential.  If she sticks with it, I can really see her becoming a top stylist for short hair enthusiasts.”  Evan agreed.

“Giving you some competition, eh, babe?”  Katie ribbed.

“Hey, I welcome it.  There are worse things.”  Evan conceded.

After a few minutes, Evan had Nicole get up and brought her over to the sink, so he could wash the solution out.  Nicole was very chatty the entire time.  Then Evan led her back to the chair where he styled the hair and refined the cut.  Satisfied with the results he called Heather over.  They walked toward the curtain covering the mirror.  Nicole closed her eyes and started giggling.  Heather and Evan pulled the curtain back and exposed the mirror.  They both stepped back.  Nicole opened her eyes.

Nicole stared at the image in the mirror.  She slowly reached her hand up and felt her head.  Heather and Evan looked on with anticipation as she explored her new style.  After a few minutes, Nicole cracked a smile and stood up.

Nicole started talking to Evan as she headed over towards him.  She reached over to him and gave him a huge hug.  Evan and Nicole continued to talk.   Then Evan pointed to Heather.  Nicole giggled and walked over to Heather and gave her a giant hug as well.  She rubbed Heather’s nearly bald head.  Nicole smiled, said something to Heather and then she looked back at Evan.  She reached up and rubbed her own head again.  Evan spoke and then turned towards Heather asking her something.  Heather answered.  Nicole and Evan both laughed.  Nicole chuckled as she opened the door, saying something.  Just as she was about to close the door behind her, she poked her head back in and said something else. winked at Heather and then shut the door behind her.

Evan and Heather continued to talk, while Heather sat back down on the couch and Evan started cleaning up.  After a couple of minutes, the door opened, and Katie walked in.  Katie hugged Evan and gave him a kiss.

“Ok, I think I know the rest.”  Katie told Evan.  “That was amazing, Thanks so much for letting me see that.”

“Of course, and thank you for sending Heather, I can already tell she’ll be a huge asset.”  Evan replied.

“So, what were you all saying at the end?”  Katie inquired, as she finished off the remaining wine in her glass.

“Oh, that?  Well, Nicole was basically committing to shaving her head.”  Evan teased “And she wants Heather to do it.”

“Wow, she must have loved that.”  Katie said.  “Although, all that work and it looks like you’re losing another client.”

“It’s ok, I’ll probably end up losing a lot of clients.” Evan deadpanned.  “At least I know they’ll be in good hands.”

“Well, you’ll always have me.”  Katie rubbed her head.  “At least after these next few weeks go by.”

“Yeah, but listen.”  Evan swung Katie’s feet off his lap.  “We have something important to discuss.” Evan turned serious as he reached for the bottle of wine and refilled Katie’s glass as well as his own.  “You need to leave Lacey alone.”

Katie laughed, “Oh, it’s all in fun.”

“No, no. It’s not.” Evan insisted.

“Seriously, though what IS her deal?” Katie sat up.  “I mean, she hasn’t changed her hair AT ALL, not longer, not shorter, same style, color, EVERYTHING!  I’m kind of surprised you’d go for that.”

Evan took a deep breath.  “Ok, I guess it’s time you knew the truth.”

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